Chapter Fourty-Two

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Lando POV

"You ready?" I ask, walking into the bedroom.

"Yeah, let's go," we had a check-up on Katherine and also a scan today. We decided that we would wait until Kat gave birth to know the gender I can tell you that the boys weren't happy about that.

"I feel like I should come with you both," Max says, walking into the room as I open the front door.

"Would you like to come with us, Max?" I ask he looks at me in shock.

"Are you serious?" I nod.

"The godfather may aswell come to the check up," he gasps.

"I'm the god Father," Katherine laughs.

"Who else would it be other than our best friend?" She says we look at him as he sniffles."Are you crying, Maxie?"

"Yes, I am, oh I'm going to spoil him or her," he says, grabbing his jacket and walking out the door. "Are you two coming or not? I have a godchild to see,"

"Let's not keep him waiting,"


"You're doing amazing. Katherine, the wound has started to heal nicely,"

"I feel a lot better now," Kat speaks.

"Six weeks recovery, and you're doing better than we expected,"

"It doesn't hurt that much anymore," the nurse nods.

"Are we ready to see the baby?"

"Yes," Max says before either of us gets the chance to answer.

"We've got an excited uncle, let's look shall we," the nurse puts the jelly on her stomach and then starts to move around she shows us the screen.

"I can say you've got a healthy baby,"

"That's inside of you," Max whispers as I hold Kats hand.

"Are we certain we don't want to know the gender," I look down at Kat, and she smiles.

"We're certain," She says, causing Max to sigh.

"That's torture,"

"I'll print off the ultrasound, and you can give them out," she says, walking away.

"Can I get one to put in my wallet," Max asks the nurse, and she nods.

"Are you certain about the not knowing gender thing because I can go get her and we can," i stop him.

"We're certain,"

"Why would you even do that to me,' he shakes his head.


"I've never been so excited about anything," Harper says as we hand her the ultrasound she had a big smile on her face as I wrap my arms around Kat resting on her stomach which has now formed a small bump.

"Look at the back," Kat says she nods.

"Okay," She turns the photo over and looks up at us hand over her mouth.

"Are you joking?" We both shake our heads."You want me to be the godmother,"

"We couldn't ask for anyone better,'

"Oh my god," she wipes a tear. "Of course I'll be their godmother," she hugs us both.

"You haven't looked in the box yet,'

"Is this my godmother stuff," She opened the box. Katherine was smiling at her.

"Holy shit," she says. "I mean, I always knew you'd want me to be maid of honour. I just still can't believe it,"

"I need you by my side when I walk down the aisle,"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," she speaks. "I actually thought Max might have been maid of honour," she looks over at him.

"As much as I would love to, I'm the best man,"

"That he is," I say.

"You'd prefer maid of honour," Max doesn't say anything.

"Wow, I swe how it is. I'm second best," I say

"I wouldn't look good in a dress," we all laugh.


"Can we talk names," I say, cuddling her into my chest.

"Okay, what have you got in mind,"

"If it's a girl," she looks up at me, "Marie Cisca Norris," she smiles.

"I love that, naming our daughter after our mother's," I smile. "I like the name grayson for a boy,"

"I like that," I say. "I was also thinking Max,"

"Really?" I nod."I like that. I also think Max would love it,"

"I have other names, but they are my top ones,"

"I like them. I hadn't really thought of many if I'm being honest,"

"We've got time to think," i run my hand through her hair.

"I'm scared," she says, "I mean, I've always wanted to have kids but actually having one,"

"I'm scared too, but at least we can be scared together, right?"

"I've been thinking about racing," she says. "Am I going to go back into it or not?"

"You dont want to?"

"Racing is my life, but now I have to think of another life. Having one parent in the sport is one thing, but having two,"

"I understand, but we can think about that closer to next season. we'll have everything planned out," she nods. "Plus, you don't have to stop racing. we can talk about me stopping if it comes down to it," she shakes her head.

"I'm not asking for you to stop, baby,"

"I know, but there's two people in this relationship, and like you said, two parents, not just yourself, we'll talk about all the options closer to the time," I kiss her lips.


"Now let's get some sleep,"

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