A glimpse

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She could clearly see the walls of the Kassi kingdom. She noticed the damage caused by their very recent battle. Evanora scanned the kingdom and wondered why she had helped protect the place she thought she hated the most. She realized that there were other people who wanted to harm the Kassi people and ruin their peace and that thought suddenly irritated her.

Her mind didn't wonder about the destruction the kingdom itself would suffer from but about the struggles, it would put Rokan through. She felt uneasy thinking about the king getting hurt and spending his days and nights on the battlefield. Bothered by the picture of Rokan in a bloodied shield, she turned around to call for Aragorn but something else caught her attention.

She walked to the burn marks that turned the ground black and kneeled down, she looked at the marks intently and she could sense a weird energy and presence. She stood up and faced ahead. This was the perfect spot to launch the flaming attacks, the magician of the invaders must have stood here to cast his spells, that way, he kept his soldiers safe and had the perfect aim at the castle.

Something was slowly taking over her senses and she unconsciously leaned down and touched the burn marks again. Tracing her fingertips on the rough grass, she felt a tug at her heart when she suddenly remembered a very similar energy to the one seeping from the ground. She clenched her fist over her chest and her face twisted in pain.

"Ahh.. what is this.. What is happening to me...." She mumbled as she felt her insides twitch.

She sat on the ground and felt her heart racing, her vision went blurry. The next thing she knew when she opened her eyes, was her standing in front of her old house. It looked intact, the same as before. She blinked a few times as she saw her sister Yelena opening the door and walking outside.

"Yelena!" She ran to her and cried out.

But Yelena seemed oblivious to her presence and walked on not even turning around and facing Evanora. Tears started flowing down her cheeks and her vision changed again, now she was standing inside her house, she took a sharp breath as her eyes landed on her mother standing in the living room.

The woman looked upset and was saying something. Evanora choked on her tears and called out softly for her mom who was completely oblivious of her existence, instead, she was looking at someone else. Soon, the other figure appeared and the two appeared to be having a serious argument. Evanora squinted her eyes, desperate to get a clear look at the other person.

"They are scared, they feel threatened, we should not respond to violence with violence!" Her mom said, crossing her hands over her chest.

"They will kill us if we do nothing! We have to fight back!"

Evanora covered her mouth with her trembling hand as she could finally see the face of the man facing her mother.

Her father stood in the middle of the room, His gray hair falling over his face and his hands reaching for her mother as if he begged for her to agree with him.

"This means war. I don't want our family to get entangled in such horrible things." Her mother shook her head violently.

"They are Kamars for crying out loud!" Her father's face twisted as if losing his patience.

"They are your daughters!" her mother cried out.

"We have a responsibility and a heritage to carry on, if we don't take a move, their lives will be in danger and you know this..."

"We have been living away from the Tower peacefully for years now, we can keep doing that.." Her mother's eyes were filled with tears bleeding for her husband to stay away from the conflict in the wizarding world.

"They will come for us. And I will not sit and wait for that day to come. Make up your mind." Her father said as he turned his back and walked away.

"No no no, Mom!! Dad!!" Evanora reached into the void and screamed as her vision turned blurry again.

She suddenly felt cold and hugged herself tight as she watched her father's figure appear in front of her. She walked next to him silently, following his each and every move. She couldn't remember the last time they walked together like this, he was oblivious to her existence but there was a time when he would hold her hand and look at her with loving eyes.

The two walked inside a dark alley and were suddenly transported inside an unfamiliar room. It was large with one window that looked out on blue water. She wondered where they were until she heard another voice call for her father.

"Yolan, you are finally here. We have been waiting for you." Her head turned abruptly to the other man, almost snapping her neck. It was her grandfather.

"Yes, father."

The older man smiled as he led the way to another room. Inside was a large wooden table, around it sat men and women from all around the continent. Her grandfather sat at the head of the table and her father next to him.

"You know why we are here today. A new era will begin soon but first, we need to eliminate every other witch and wizard with impure blood. We have let these disgraceful beings survive long enough that now they are threatening our existence." Silas announced.

Everyone around the table nodded their heads and spoke words of agreement then they started exchanging ideas on what to do and how to do it. They decided that their best option was to turn the humans against the wizards.
Their plan seemed perfect, they would send one strong wizard or witch to each kingdom to place a curse on its people and have them turn on anyone with magical powers while the purebloods would gather in the Tower to establish their world.

Evanora's breathing slowed and her body trembled as she listened to their plan, horror engulfed her soul when a red-haired man was chosen as the wizard to place the curse on the Kassi kingdom. Her father made no protest and instead nodded in her grandfather's direction when he ordered him to take care of the Larth kingdom.

Evanora felt the urge to throw up and ran away from the room.

"I have to wake up now, this is a nightmare, none of this is real.." She mumbled to herself as her vision went black. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to wake herself up. She hit her head over and over again but when she opened her eyes she saw her father's figure in front of her. This time he was looking straight into her eyes.

"My dear, you must have many questions and I'm willing to answer them all, but first you have to come to the tower." He smiled at her as if all she had witnessed seconds ago never happened.

"What was that? What is going on? Did you allow this to happen? You were a part of this?" Evanora screamed as she fell to her knees.

"I believe in you and your powers," Her father seemed oblivious to her questions and went on, "I'm waiting for you." He smiled tenderly again then started fading from her sight.

Evanora rose to her feet and started running to where he was standing. She reached out for him but her hands grabbed air, she clenched her fists and watched as purple light flowed out from between her fingers.

"Dad...wait..." Slowly like a fog lifting off, Evanora found herself back to reality.


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