A protest

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"What is the meaning of this? How can you decide on something like this by yourself? haven't we already discussed that I'm to be the next Master ?" He was bewildered and looked shocked by the surprising news.

"I have already discussed this matter with Professor White and Madam Chamass. They both agree and support my decision. It is for the best this way." Silas said calmly. "The next Master had already been decided as well. Once the trial period of the Wicca is over, the ponding ceremony will occur and Isaac will be made Master."

Silas turned to look at the young man sitting on the Chamass side, next to his grandmother.

"I believe you won't disappoint me, Isaac."

The silver-haired man nodded his head and then turned to Evanora, who was already staring wide-eyed at him. Something flashed in his eyes for a minute before he masked it and Evanora realized what it was, distaste, maybe even hate. She was confused by his reaction and wondered if she had disrespected him before. They had met a few times before but they never exchanged words after the first day when she was introduced to his family.

"Grandfather, I-I am honored to be considered for such a position but I don't think I'm worthy. Klaus is far more suitable, he has spent so many years in the tower, has the trust of everyone, and has far more capabilities than I do!" She protested.

"Do you doubt the council's decision, child?" The Kamar's head spoke with a voice that sent chills down Evanora's spine.

As Evanora struggled to choose the right words, Silas called all those in favor to raise their hands. She watched in shock as Silas, the three members of the Kamar and Aelia's parents and sister raised their hands. She glanced at her friend who was busy having a hushed argument with her father while trying to snatch her hand away from his grip. She felt sorry for bringing Aelia into her mess, she already had enough problems with her family. She then turned to Klaus who had a grim face and clasped his fists to his side.

"What about f-father! Shouldn't you wait for his return before voting on such a matter?"

All eyes turned to Silas as her words echoed in the room.

"No need, we already have the majority. Then it is decided, Evanora, you are to become our Wicca. We will start the preparations immediately. "

Klaus stormed out of the room without sparing her a glance while the Chamass family shot daggers in her direction as they left one by one. Even her grandfather turned his back on her and went inside his office. Evanora called out for him.

She ran behind him into the office.

"Grandfather! Please wait, listen to me..."

"Enough Eva. You have a duty towards your people and your family. We need you. We need your strength."

"But it's not like we are at war! Why do you keep talking like that?" Evanora pleaded.

"You don't understand, we need to protect ourselves. The moment we show weakness, everyone will come for us. We need to purify our blood and make ourselves stronger so that no one would ever dare to pass us." fire from the past burned in his eyes.

"But I don't want this and I'm not ready for such responsibility. I don't want to spend the rest of my life here, I-"

"You want to go back to that wretched kingdom? Don't tell me it has grown on you now? Did you forget what they have done to you? To your family? You belong here Evanora."

"I won't go back there, I want to go back to my house." Evanora's voice shook, she felt like she was being treated like a traitor. She tried to fight those thoughts, she thought that her own grandfather would never try to make her feel like that. "To my old life, away from everything. I'm sorry grandfather...." She continued.

THE RISING OF THE WICCAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora