Closed doors

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       On the night of the council's meeting, the five stayed up planning together and coming up with all possible scenarios. When it was almost dawn, Aelia and Duman went back to their room to get some rest and soon after that, Izac also left.

Rokan looked at Evanora and saw the bags under her eyes and the redness around them, as she kept rubbing them in a desperate effort to fight away the fatigue. He walked up to her and removed the document she was reading from her hand.

"Get some sleep, you need the rest."

Evanora reluctantly let go of the paper and followed as he led her to bed, he helped her get in the covers and secured her. When she was settled, he sat at the edge of the bed and pushed her dark locks away from her face.

"We have been so busy, I never got to ask how everyone is doing back in the kingdom," Evanora spoke in a voice laced with sleep.

"They are all okay and they all miss you. Helena kept asking about you and Brianna started a fight with me for letting you go, even Arthur scolded me for that."

"I miss everyone so much it hurts" She mumbled. And Rokan leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead, lulling her to sleep.

When it was morning, Evanora woke up to find Rokan sitting next to her on the bed, sleeping. She looked at his face and sat up, she trailed her fingers on every single detail on his face without touching his skin, Evanora smiled at his sleeping face and then got up from bed and sat quietly reading on the table till he woke up as well. She asked him to spend some time with her and the two headed to the forgotten indoor garden of the Tower. It was almost an abandoned place and the two had some privacy there.

They walked around talking about everything and nothing, Evanora told him how much she missed the garden back in the castle and how this one is not even close in beauty since it is not maintained and Rokan promised that she would soon get to enjoy it again. Evanora smiled at him warmly and started remembering all the conversations they had back there.

Before they knew it, it was time for Evanora to get ready for the gathering. Once she was ready to join the council, she stood in front of the gathering room and looked back at Rokan, who insisted on accompanying her despite the risks, and Duman. Aelia was already inside. 

Rokan felt uneasiness gripping his body, he knew Aelia would be there with her and yet he couldn't stop the cold sweats forming on the back of his neck. He reached for her hand and held it tightly. Surprised, Evanora 's widened eyes locked on his. She took a deep breath before smiling warmly at him.

"I need you to close this door as we discussed and make sure no one comes in or out, we cannot afford anyone interrupting us. Rokan can you please make sure it is perfectly locked once I'm inside?" When Rokan nodded, she turned to Duman, "Keep an eye out for a signal from me, if things get too messy, Aelia will be put in a difficult position, if you see the signal, teleport into the room and take her away."

With her final orders given, Evanora turned to Rokan who was still clasping her hand in his tightly.

"You have to let go now," She said.

Rokan felt her grip tightening on his hand and wondered if she truly meant her words.

"I will be right here, behind this door. Call my name if you need anything or if you just changed your mind and want to get out of there." He told her as he slipped his hand from hers to hold her face, not caring about who saw them.

"I'm right behind you." He whispered only for her to hear.

Despite every fiber in his body screaming at him not to let go, he eventually released her then rushed behind her and chained the door as planned. He immediately felt waves of energy radiating from the room. His body trembled at the tension he felt. Evanora must have cast the shield on the door.

Dread filled him as he realized the lock was a bad idea as now he couldn't get to her. He started sweating and cursed himself for being stupid. He just shut the door on her with the rest of the best and most powerful wizards their world has ever known. 

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