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          Evanora's eyes shook as she watched the man's mouth turn blue and his dead eyes staring into the void. She felt a shiver running through her spine. Cold sweat trailed down the back of her neck.

"He is dead," Theon said as he closed the man's eyes and covered his face with a white cloth. "He has been struggling and in pain for almost two months now, at least he is no longer in pain."

Evanora just stood in silence, "There are more people we need to save. We were bound to lose some, but we have to keep on trying. Evanora, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Theon felt worried and scratched the back of his head waiting for Evanora to say something, she finally nodded: "I understand, I need some fresh air." she said before leaving the room and heading to the garden.

She was lost in thought, wondering about what she did, what she could do, and how to stop other people from losing their lives. She thought about that man's family, how they will be shattered when they heard the news. She knew very well what it was like to lose someone close to you, family, someone who is your entire world. She sighed and looked up at the sky thinking about her mom and her two sisters. She kept walking around until she reached the rest area in the garden. She walked up the few stairs and sat down.

She needed to find a new way to stop the diseas.e from spreading in the human body and consuming its energy. The healing spells weren't working, they might slow down the spreading of the disease, and help the body get some strength but it was not enough. She decided to look for other spells, she needed more knowledge.

"I thought I told you that is my spot yet I keep finding you here." Rokan appeared in front of her all of a sudden.

"I- I don't know how I got here... I like this place because it's away from everyone but unfortunately, it has an owner who is unwilling to share...I will leave." Evanora started getting up when Rokan stopped her.

"I can share, I'm not that selfish. Take a seat, please."

"I heard from Theon what happened today, Does isolating yourself and thinking about him and his family help?" Evanora sat back while Rokan leaned against a pillar facing her.

"How did you know I was thinking about his family?" Evanora wondered while looking at him innocently.

"I can read you like an open book, witch," Rokan smirked.

"That's very clever, your highness." Evanora smiled slightly then paused for a while before speaking again. "It's just that I have been wondering how everyone in his family would be feeling after hearing he passed away."

"It's never easy to lose someone close to you. They will be in pain, but they will slowly get used to it..."

"Get used to it?" Evanora asked in a small voice and looked at the ground.

"The pain will always be there but you learn to push it in the background. Life forces us to move forward," he explained.

"That is indeed true..."

Evanora's mind wondered about the bonds between family members and close ones, as she looked at the king she wondered about his past and how he had grown up.

"Do you have any family around? I haven't seen anyone that looked like royalty here ever since I moved to the castle." Evanora asked, curiosity pushing the words out of her mouth.

"That's because there is no one." Rokan's face showed no changes, he had his usual composed look on as he stared ahead of him.

Evanora tried to study his features closely, she was curious about him, about his background, and how he became the King of Kassi. He just said he had no one, she wondered if they lived far away or if he was not on good terms with his family. Just as she was about to voice her questions he turned and faced her.

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