To protect

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"Your highness, Sir Akare is asking for you." A servant walked to the king and spoke in a rushed manner.

"Let him in."

"Your highness, he is not alone, he asked for you to meet with him in the great hall."

"What on earth is going on?" Rokan grumbled and pushed his chair. He walked out and his eyes landed on Helena, Akare and another man standing in the corner, his hands tied in front of him.

"What is it?" He asked, annoyance already clear in his voice.

"We encountered a problem, the people got a little angry seeing Evanora walking around the market."

"Where is she?" Rokan's patience was running thin as Akare was taking his time to choose his words.

"She is in her room, resting." Helena spoke calmly.

"Then why are you here and not with her ?"

"She wanted to be alone." Helena looked at her feet, feeling as if she did something wrong.

"And?" He asked Akare while glancing at the man beside him.

Akare explained what happened and how the crowd turned crazy when they realized the witch was walking among them and then how the man he brought here had hurt Evanora.

Rokan ordered him to lock up the man and then gestured to Helena. He walked away with Helena tugging behind. He took big steps and hurried across the castle. When he reached Evanora's room he stood in front of the door and glanced at the maid. Helena quickly nodded, knocked on the door and then slowly pushed it open and walked in.

"Miss, his highness is here, he wants to see you." Helena spoke softly to the figure sitting on the edge of the bed.

When she heard no answer, she walked to the closet and pulled a clean dress then helped Evanora change. She then untangled her hair and removed some of the things that were thrown at her and got stuck in it. She brushed the black locks and let it fall carefully to the sides. Once she was done, she hurried to the door and opened it for the king.

"I heard about what happened, are you okay?" He asked as soon as spotted her.

She was again sitting quietly on the edge of the bed and he let his eyes scan her. She had a blue bruise on the right side of her face and he could see the dried blood surrounding a cut on her lip.

"I'm fine." Evanora replied.

He slowly approached her and knneled in front of her. His shaky hand reached for her lip and brushed the blood away with his thumb.

"Rest assured that that man will be punished."

"Let him go, I don't care."

Rokan was taken aback by her reaction. The man hurt her on purpose, and she was lucky that Akare was able to break the crowd before things got worse, yet she was telling him she doesn't care. He ulled away from her and stood up.

"It's not up to you, he needs to be punished so things like this won't happen again. I was informing you, not asking for your permission." Rokan announced, his voice stiff. The adrenaline rushing through his body making him fist his hands to stop them from shaking. Fear and rage had blinded him when he heard what had happened yet he knew he had to stay calm, find a way to protect her and his people. But that man had to pay for his sins.

"Good, now get out." She hissed. Evanora stood up and stared at him, reflecting the burning emotion inside her.

Rokan looked at her with a frown before turning to the maid who was standing in a corner and asked her to go call for a physician. Helena nodded and ran out as if waiting for his order to save herself from the tension in the room.

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