A curse

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Evanora dropped her shield and tried to approach the man in the shadows but she could barely see his face.

"W-what are you t-talking about? C-cousins?" Evanora struggled to get the words out of her mouth as if needles were piercing her throat.

"Does that surprise you that much? Do you even know who your father is or who your family truly is?" Klaus paused for a while as if giving her time to catch up with his sarcastic comment.

"We wanted to come and say hello since we heard you were doing well, savior of the Kassi kingdom. But I have to say, you can stand your ground against my attacks so maybe you are what they say you are after all. By the way, have you gotten a grip on those healing spells in the book I left for you?"

"It was you! You were in the castle?!" Evanora's voice shook.

"Is that really important? Did you learn the spells?"

Evanora bit her lower lip and nodded. She evaded her eyes remembering the man who died a few days ago because of her lack of abilities and knowledge.

Klaus suddenly burst into laughter and Evanora's head snapped to him, watching him as he studied her expression.

"I'm sorry but I didn't expect you to look so gloomy! So I take it you are upset because the spells are not working?"

"How do you know that? I have tried everything in that book but nothing seems to work on the sick while I can heal other injuries and diseases.." She started rumbling, almost forgetting the situation she was in.

"All the spells in the book? Within a month... Impressive Eva." The man in the shadows interrupted her in a calm voice.

"I guess she passed your first test, Silas."

"Silas, Silas...Silas!" Evanora thought to herself and her eyes shot up to the man in the shadows.

She took a step forward and reached for the shadows with trembling hands. A wave of yellow bolts hit her body and she was frozen in place, she felt pain spreading through all of her muscles.

"Sorry Eva, you can't get any closer than that," Klaus said and he blocked her vision. Tears formed in her eyes and she tried blinking them away but couldn't move a single muscle. She tried to speak but struggled to even open her mouth. Klaus looked at Silas then with a flick of his wrist, she was able to find her voice again.

"What is going on ?" Her voice was laced with pain and was barely a whisper.

"This was your first test, child, we needed to make sure you are worthy. The disease is nothing but a strong curse, you cannot "heal" spells, and that's why you cannot save the sick. The purpose was to see if you can manage to learn and perform healing spells."

"Wait..slow down... What are you talking about? Test to see I'm worthy of what?"

"You will understand when the right time comes." Silas never emerged from the shadows but Evanora could feel his power radiating, the composure his voice held.

"What about the sick? How can I heal them?"

"You can't," Klaus spoke in a clear voice that cut through her heart, making her ears buzz.

Silas's shadow started walking away without explaining a single thing and Evanora was brought back to reality.

"WAIT!" She screamed and somehow managed to jump further. However, Klaus was ready to attack her again.

"What will happen to them? Who is going to save them!!" Evanora yelled, dodging Klaus's attack and hitting him back with her own spells, feeling rage burning inside her.

"Please! Grandfather!" her pleading voice sounded foreign to her ears.

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       Rokan could hear loud noises and screams, one particular voice sounded familiar. He ran towards the source with Akare trailing him. As he reached an alley, he found Evanora fighting another man, yellow and purple magic illuminating the dark night sky.

"Please wait!!" Evanora screamed as she ran towards the end of the alley and tried to force the wizard facing her out of her way but the man was not moving.

He kept attacking her with one spell after another. Rokan watched as Evanora's entire body started trembling from uncontained rage. Klaus took the opportunity and swung another attack at her, pushing her a few steps back.

"M.O.V.E" Evanora's dress started floating around her and waves of purple light radiated from her. She desperately tried summoning all of what was left of her energy. Klaus raised his hands to attack again.

"I wouldn't try that again if I were you." Rokan appeared next to Evanora swinging his swords, ready to slice the man in half. Klaus's green eyes also caught the second figure as Akare appeared on the other side of Evanora.

"Aah... People! This is a family reunion, you can't just intrude like this!" Klaus rolled his eyes at the scene, "Well I guess we have to stop here dear Eva."

The moment his words were out in the air, Klaus threw an object on the ground and a dusty smoke surrounded the place. Evanora lost sight of him and the weird dust caused everyone to start coughing. When it was finally dispersed enough for them to see, Klaus was already gone.

"Your Highness!" Theon's voice echoed in the silent alley where three figures stood, one of them seemed completely still as if frozen in time.

Sir Theon and Brianna were riding their horses while tugging behind two more, Rokan's and Akare's. They have followed them when they noticed they were leaving the castle in a hurry and decided to take out the horses.

As Theon and Brianna approached, Rokan pulled Evanora closer to him silently and hoisted her up on his horse. On the way back, no one dared to say a word.

She sat almost bent in half, eyes open and staring into the void and her disheveled hair was covering her face. She sank back into Rokan's body and refused to look up even when they were greeted by Helena at the castle's gates.

Rokan helped her down and then held her body close to him. She let him. He then asked Theon to deal with whoever was still in the dining room from the guests. Then he led Evanora to her bedroom and called Helena to help her clean up, quietly asking her to search Evanora's body for any wounds.

Helena helped Evanora dress up in a thin white dress that made her hair color seem even more vibrant, then carefully combed her black locks on her back and shoulders. Evanora never said a word or looked Helena in the eyes. The older woman helped her stand when she was finally done and guided her out of the bathroom and back into the main room where Rokan was sitting on the couch waiting.

Helena let go of Evanora's hands and left the room, leaving the witch and the king alone. Evanora hesitated before slowly walking to sit next to him.

"Everything is a mess." Those were the first words she managed to say.

"We will figure things out, together, slowly," Rokan reassured her.

"I'm sorry Rokan...It's all my fault, the disease...it's not real, it's a curse." She blurted.

"What do you mean?" Rokan's body stiffened.


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