It was clear that both Tatter and Gigi were feeling bad about ruining their crew's chances at getting to pick their order.

"So we'll go first." Akanen said before her and her crewmates clapped their hands.

"We can still do better!" Bada quickly told her crewmates, but the way she said it had Jin resisting a chuckle.

The crews got a chance to rehearse a few more times on the actual stage before the crowd came in and of course, all three crews used it.

Each time, one crew would go up and rehearse while the other two crews spectated.

Jin couldn't deny that feeling of nervousness kicking in as she watched TSUBAKILL and BEBE. Tatter was definitely getting better.

Things went pretty smoothly for D-COY when it was their turn to rehearse. It was probably one of the best practice attempts they had ever done.

Gigi had spent so long working on the headspring and it seemed like at that point in time, she had finally gotten it down and touched it up to look perfect.

Jin was proud and despite her anxiety, she still had full faith in her crew and their first time performing as a team.

After the first run-through, Soul had went over to check on Gigi, just to make sure she didn't hurt herself. Again.

"Are you okay?" Soul asked her.

"Yeah." Gigi replied casually as she nodded as brushed a few strands of hair back.

"Your landing was great. I think that was our best go yet." Jin told her, Gigi smiling and nodding appreciatively.

This seemed to shake up the other two crews a slight bit seeing how D-COY had managed to pull through.

Jin then let out a heavy sigh as she placed her hands on her thighs before sinking to her knees and sitting down on the stage.

Bada had stepped a bit closer, leaning from left to right as if trying to get a better look at what was happening.

"Jin?" Yeong said as her and the other three went over to Jin, the moment striking the other two crews with confusion and concern.

"I'm fine. I just need a minute to breathe." Jin muttered as she wiped her forehead with her hand.

"Can you get her water please?" Soul told R.2, who quickly nodded and went over to go retrieve Jin's water bottle. "Are you sure?" Soul asked Jin.

"Yes." Jin assured her with a nod.

In all honesty, Jin felt immensely sore. What with all the muscle cramps and the over-straining of her body, she felt nothing but tension all over. It felt like she was going to pull or tear a muscle if she didn't stop and take a minute.

"Here." R.2 said as she returned and handed Jin her water bottle.

"Thank you." Jin said as she took a sip over her cold, clear beverage before pressing the bottle against her forehead.

She hoped that this wouldn't be a problem; that she wouldn't be the reason her crew didn't win. She was going to push through it and endure it until the end.

𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ➸ 𝒃𝒂𝒅𝒂 𝒍𝒆𝒆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora