They are from Renovation company . They are total 5 workers . They came here to fix his Kitchen . Usually no one came to repair / renovate at his time because it's night but since Yoongi is the friend of Renovation company's Owner . So , he send his workers at Yoongi's house .

Yoongi : See , this is the Kitchen . Tell me how much time it take to fix it ?

Boy 1 : OMG 😱 ! How's this happen ? It looks so scary . Did Gas Cylinder blast ?

Yoongi : Oh no... no... Nothing happened like this . It's just food catched fire .

Boy 2 : Oh ! But you shouldn't allow kids on the Kitchen .

Yoongi : Excuse me ?

Boy 3 : Actually Sir , it must be done by some kids . It could be dangerous .

Yoongi : Tell me how much time it takes to fix it again ? I have to cook dinner .

Boy 4 : Sorry sir , I think you should order food from outside or go to outside for dinner . It takes atleast 2 days to fix it . We will have to change your entire Kitchen .

Yoongi : I don't have that much time . I will manage for now but till morning I want my Kitchen back .

Boy 5 : But Sir , how will we be able to renovate your entire kitchen in such a short time ?

Yoongi : I don't know . You can call more workers . But I want my Kitchen back till morning . Now start working . Don't worry I will pay you double money .

Boy 1 : Don't worry Sir , we will try . But we have to put renovation stuffs and for that we have to use Your Living Room .

Yoongi : Ok you can use . But don't touch and move that big Toy "Chimmy". You can use entire Living Room except him . First bring the big cover and covered it (Chimmy) properly .

Boy 3 : Don't worry Sir , we will not touch your Chimmy and carefully wrap him in big cover .

Boy 2 (whispered) : Look like this toy is Sir's son's favourite toy . That's why he is too concerned about it .

Boy 5 (whispered back) : Yeah . My son is also very possesive towards his toys . He doesn't allow to touch his toys to anyone .

Boy 2 : How old is your son ?

Boy 5 : He is 3 yrs old .

Yoongi : If you both are done with your gossiping then start moving your hands . You don't have time .

Boy 2 & 4 : So... Sorry Sir .

(All the workers start working and Yoongi went to Jimin's Room to check him . )

In Jimin's Room :

( I found the exact pic where Jimin was laying on his stomach

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( I found the exact pic where Jimin was laying on his stomach . He wore only thin shirt which barely covered his bottom . You know I didn't put any efforts to find those pics . Infect I was finding Kook's baby pics for my YT Channel . These all pics are easily available on the Google . It's very awkward to see . By the name of fanart people spread nudity . Do you think BTS don't know about this or they didn't see this ? Of course they know each and everything . They themselves saw many things . How can they make these types of fanarts and upload them on Google ? )

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