"This would be a memorable event though."

"Without a doubt!"


I fall down on my blanket, closing my eyes after finally reaching home around 2 PM.

"That tired?" my mum questioned, looking at my lifeless body. 

"Hmm," I gathered the last portion of energy left inside me and answered her, "it was a long line for books, heels was a bad idea, and then the walking part in metro." I cut the part where we pulled the stunt (because I love my life) and tried to keep the answer realistic. 

Soon we had our lunch and I lay down for a nap.
It was around 4 PM.
My feet need rest.
Lots of rest.

The moment I felt unconscious and started to dwell into my dream, suddenly a loud ringtone enters my ear, waking me abruptly. I groaned and picked up my phone to check the caller ID.

It was a friend of Zoe who became my friend too gradually, so we planned to meet after collecting books, but because of our tragedy we could only meet her at the metro station for a minute on our way back. 

"Hello?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Hey! Why do you sound so low?"

"Because I was sleeping," I muttered.

"Oops I'm so sorry. I just left for home after finishing my errands. I called to ask when did you guys reached home?" Her lively voice rings in my ear.

"At 2 PM I guess."

"Where's Zoe?"

"In her room I think?" 

"I was trying to call her but her number wasn't reachable."

"Oh. Try again later maybe. Otherwise I will tell her that you called."

"Yeah thankyou."

"Travel safe."

"Yess. Talk to you later. Sorry to interrupt your sleep."

"It's okay." 

I threw the phone aside and went back to sleep. It wasn't even two minutes when my phone rang again. I groaned, checking the caller.

It was my aunt.

'Why does everyone have to call right now?' I cried mentally and picked it up.


"Hayat?" She spoke in her soft voice.


"Where's mum?"

"I don't know?" I mumbled.

"Why? Is she not at home?"

"I'm in my room sleeping."

"Oh, oh! I will call at her number then. Sleep sleep," she shushed me and cut the call.

I took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of my nose and put my phone aside.

'Let me sleep you humans.'

My brain was so off-duty that it didn't occur to me that silent mode exists too.

One more call and my serial killer will come out.

And it seems like the universe accepted this challenge because the next minute my phone was ringing again.


I declined the call furiously, finally switching the phone to silent mode and throwing it on the pillow (cant break it)

And welp!
I couldn't sleep after that.
Even though my head was heavy and my body tired, I couldn't fall unconscious. So I just got some rest while closing my eyes. 

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