Part 14: Trek to Azalea

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As I opened my eyes, I realized everybody was surrounding me, asleep. Mickey laid on the bay window, cuddling next to Maisie. Blaise and Ziggy laid on a cot that couldn't have been big enough for the both of them, but they made it work. Nellie and Russ reclined in chairs that were in the room, and Raven sat next to me, head resting on the bed and her hand near mine. Good. Everybody was here. The beeping sounds were starting to get annoying now, something I loathed back at the insane asylum they call a school. It was more faded when I was knocked out than it was now. There were voices coming from near the ceiling yelling something about a code blue. Whatever the hell that was. People rushed past my door with a cart on wheels. Hospitals were way too noisy compared to what I had gotten accustomed to the past week I think? I don't know how long I was knocked out for.
I tried to inch my way out of Raven's grip to get out of bed. I had no idea if I could walk, but all I knew was that I needed to use the restroom. It stood maybe 10 paces away, a challenge for somebody who had been laying in bed for who knows how long. My feet touched the cold tile floor next to my bed, sending a shiver through my body. There was a needle attached to me and I recoiled, yanking the thing it was attached to over and it partly out of my arm, traumatized by having things inserted into my body. Then a loud beep sounded from the pole next to me. It read on a tiny screen IV interrupted. Over and over. I could feel something attached to me and a tube running down my leg. What in the world we're all these things? A nurse came in and stumbled back.

"You're awake!" She said a little more loudly than she should have. She then rushed over me to unhook the rest of the IV needle that was barely attached to me. "You needed some kind of fluids when you were out. Don't worry, it's just a water supplement. Nothing else." She smiled at me. "Now, you must need to use the bathroom? I'd assume so after being out for a week. We did have something hooked up to you so you could-" she was cut off by Russ who shifted awake. I didn't think she'd ever stop talking so I was kind of glad.

"I see the mighty warrior has awoken." He laughed, stretching.

The nurse grabbed something attached to me and the bed and helped me to the bathroom. "I can remove this after you go. It's going to be a little uncomfortable to pee for a while due to having this inserted in you. But it goes away. Now, just pull that string when you're done and I'll come in and help you back to bed." She said while motioning to a string on the wall before stepping out the door.

The bathroom was even more dull looking than the room. It was all white, no windows, just artificial light coming through the bulbs above the sink. A shower with a thin plastic curtain stood in the corner. I finished up, and then pulled the string. Happy to get out of here. The nurse came back in with a wheelchair for me. "Just in case you feel too weak." I scoffed at her. Me? Weak? Never heard such a thing. She helped me off the toilet to go wash my hands before helping me back to bed.

Raven shifted next to the bed and slowly opened her eyes. Then, jumped to her feet, eyes longing. "You're awake!" She said, before jumping on me to hug me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and legs went down my sides.

I smirked. "Did you ever think I wouldn't? I'm a survivor, don't you know." She chuckled and lay there hanging onto me for about ten minutes before the others woke up. Everybody was more than happy to see me awake.

"So, we're here in Solaras City. The school is about two miles up the road. We needed to take a side trip due to you passing out on us." Nellie half smiled at me.

"What... what did happen? Where did the fire come from?" Asked Ziggy.

I looked at him, then looked at all of them wringing my hands. "The fire... the fire came from me." They all looked at me, eyebrows raised, questioning for more answers. "Let's just say when I was in a coma, somebody told me that I was more powerful than I thought, and had more powers to discover. The fire came from me, I still have yet to figure out how." I didn't want to give them the full truth. Not until I knew what was true and what wasn't. Not until I figured out who my father was and had an idea of how to beat the people coming after me. Keeping it a secret for now was keeping everybody safe. Staying hidden, staying in the shadows. The thing I hated the most was keeping a secret from all of them, but it needed to be done. They would learn the full truth once I felt the time was right. And that time wasn't now.

Serafina StoneWhere stories live. Discover now