Part 22: Ziggy

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The sudden shrill ring of the phone woke me up out of a dead sleep.

"Hello?" I said, groggily.

"Ziggy?" The voice said on the other line, a familiar raspy yet deep voice.

"Uh... yes?" I replied back, scratching the base of my neck.

"She found the video."

I took the phone away from my ear and looked at it for a minute, confused. That is, until it clicked who I was talking to.


"Mhm. She found the video. Please make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. I appreciate you for keeping an eye on her all these years." The prince's voice was sounding weary and tiresome.

"It's no problem sir. What if she tries to find you though? What do I do then?"

The prince went silent for a moment. Car horns could be heard through the phone before his voice silently spoke, almost too quiet to hear. "Please just keep her safe. Don't let her find me, it's too dangerous right now." And with that, the phone call ended.

I had endured years of hell just to keep an eye on the "precious princess". Prince Michael and I ran into each other on the streets of my hometown Seaside, Oregon. I was probably thirteen at the time, not knowing what or who I truly was. Then again, what thirteen year old knows fully about who they are? I had been on the side of the road experiencing light headaches from all the chatter going on in my brain. I never quite comprehended that all that chatter was really other people's conversations going on around me. Michael took me under his wing and taught me all I know now. About a year later is when he told me about "The school for the gifted". He had asked me if I would be able to be admitted there so I could keep an eye on Anastasia, who at the time was going by Serafina. She still had yet to know anything about what I knew. I was bound to keep it that way.

Serafina Stone would not know that I was really eighteen. She wouldn't know I knew who her father was. She wouldn't know...

Over time, I started to care for her and the others like siblings. Nobody had any thoughts about who I truly was. Everything made circles in my head, causing a light buzzing sound to form.

I wanted Serafina happy... but I can't fail my mission from the Prince... But, the only way to make her happy would be to clue her in on who her father was. Was I failing both her and the prince if I did this though? Would I be putting not only her in danger, but the rest of the flock as well? There was so much to contemplate in so little time.


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