Part 19: Rome

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"Hello? Rome?" The other voice on the line sounded deep, raspy, mysterious almost.

"How... how do you know my name? Who are you?" My voice shook. This other voice was so unfamiliar, but familiar at the same time if that makes any sense.

It had been two days since my date with Serafina. We planned on going to the library Friday after classes ended for the week. Today was Thursday. The day I got the call.

"I hear you've been looking for me."

I went quiet. Was this..? Could it be..?

" Prince...?"

"Don't call me that over the phone please. Too many people could listen in." The voice snapped back.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and rubbed my temples, taking a deep breath before I put the phone back up to my ear.

"What do you want me to call you then?"

"Mike will do just fine. But please, please, stop my daughter from looking for me. It's nothing but danger for her."

"Sir.. Mike.. I don't know how you expect me to do that. She has a mind of her own. Once she's set on something, she goes for it. And right now it's finding you and freeing her mother." I rubbed my temples again. This was giving me a headache.

"I get that. I have had people keeping an eye on her for me since the day she was born. But I don't want... I don't want her getting hurt." He choked up on the last words.

"Sir, with all due respect, she is one fierce, badass young woman. If anything, she would be the one hurting others. Not the other way around. Serafina has taken down a whole crowd of people, she can do anything and it's astonishing how good she is at what she does. Now I don't know how you got my number, but I want you to know, I will help your daughter find you. If it makes her happy, I'm doing it. She's got an army of people behind her to help. She isn't alone. Please don't call me again unless it's to tell me where you're at. Goodbye.." I was about to hit the end button before I heard him say,


"I'm listening?"

"I won't tell you where I'm at. But I do appreciate how highly you talk of my daughter. Please just take care of her. And if you do find me, you will be even more highly respected. Just know, I disappeared for a reason. Until you find that reason, you won't find me."

I sighed. "And how do you expect us to find that reason?"

"Go back to the city of Azul tomorrow with Serafina. There's something at the library in section F of the videos. You'll know when you see it." Then the phone hung up.

That was honestly the WEIRDEST conversation I had ever had. But, it was a start. If this could help Serafina be happy, then this is what I'd have to do.

Who knew a tough guy like me could become so soft because of one girl. Hell, she's amazing. More amazing than I'd ever thought somebody could be. 

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