Part 8: Split up

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   We had been walking for what seemed like hours. By now it had to be about six in the afternoon. We were finally able to sit down and stretch out for a few minutes, to snack and drink water. I tried to drink a small bit of water out of my bottle, trying to save some for the rest of the journey. My feet throbbed. Who knew so much walking would make your feet so sore. I don't know how people did it. I much rather preferred to stick to flying. I had no idea how much further we had to go, but I hoped it was close. Ziggy sat on a log near me, chugging the rest of his water down and chatting with the twins. The twins snacked on small bits of crackers, laughing at something Ziggy said. Blaise sat down next to Raven, offering her some of his snack pack he had. She refused, telling him he should gather his strength, as he was younger than she was and needed all the strength he could get. Nellie and Cedar were sitting next to me, talking about the plan and what was going to happen once we got there.

  "We have probably about... ten more miles North until we hit the gate. When we get there, I'm hoping I'll still be able to open it. My mother showed me when I was younger but I haven't done it in a while." Nellie's medium-short blonde hair swished as she talked.

  "How do you even know it's still going to be there? And how do we find this gate?" I asked, pointing my fingers in the air around the word gate like a quotation.

  Chuckling, "It won't be easy. It's hidden for a reason. But I know how to find it, I just need the right kind of power, right kind of magic ya'know?" She replied.

  Right kind of power... what on earth did she mean? Power from the sun? From us? "What do you mean by power?" Asked Maisie, eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Well sweet little one..." She got down to Maisie's level and held her hand up to her mouth as if whispering a secret. "It involves using my sun powers to access it."

"You have powers too? What do they dooo?" Maisie placed her hands on her chin, intrigued at the thought of somebody else having powers other than us.

The rest of the flock sat down around Maisie listening to Nellie talk. "Well, I can access the light and fire from the sun. Hence, why I'm a sun fairy." She held up her hand face up and closed her eyes. A ball of light started to show up in her hand. She opened her eyes, and put her other palm over the ball of light, making it slightly bigger. "Now count to three." She said in a hushed tone.

"One... two... three!" Everyone said, just as she released the ball of light into the air. It flew up and dispersed into lights dancing in the sky.

Everyone clapped, amazed at her little trick. I scoffed, I hated to admit it, but her powers were so much cooler than mine would ever be. Here this stupid sun fairy was, taking my spot as leader and trying to be the holy grail to MY flock.

Something rustled in the leaves, I tuned into my hearing and heard shouting.

"Guys we need to move, NOW. Her stupid trick gave us away. Run. RUN!" I yelled, picking the twins up on my way. Nellie and Cedar started booking it deeper into the forest. My flock and I flew higher into the air, above the trees but low enough to where we couldn't get noticed as easily. We perched under the top of a weeping willow, trying best to hide ourselves. They weren't supposed to be near us... we were maybe a hundred miles away from them. How did they track us?

A guard walked below us, gun in hand. "The doctor wants those pests back. We need to find them. I know they're around here." He sniffed the air. "I can smell them."

Maisie placed a hand over mouth, trying to stifle cries. Raven held Mickey close to her, he had his face pressed into her chest. Three more guards walked below us, equaling about four in total. Were they looking for us? Of course they were dummy, who else would they look for?

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