Part 21: Trusting You With the Truth

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After kissing Rome goodbye, I dragged my feet through the door. It felt like I had bricks attached to my ankles, I just felt so... heavy. Worthless?

Raven took one look at my solemn expression from the couch and ran up to hug me, Zaria not far behind.

"Whatever happened, just know you can get through anything." Raven said, a look of concern on her face.

The tears started flowing down my face again. I buried my face into Raven's shoulder, sniffling as she rubbed my back.

"Honey what's wrong?" Her concern showed in her voice, knowing something happened.

"Was it Rome? Did he do something? I'm going to beat that son of a bitches ass if he did." Zaria said next to us.

I shook my head no, still sniffling. I was never this emotional. Being here in this place has caused me to open up more I guess. Caused me to show my feelings which is something I wasn't used to.

Raven sat with me on the couch, stroking my hair as I laid my head in her lap.

"I'm going to make you some tea. My family's soothing recipe." Zaria said, getting up from the couch to head towards our little kitchenette.

I laid there trying to regain my composure. Zaria walked up a few moments later with a mug in hand for me.

"What happened love?" Asked Zaria, handing me the tea.

I took a sip of the tea, (which tasted of lavender, honey and some kind of berry) then took a deep breath and told them. I told them everything. From the time I saw my mother, to the time I found out I was a princess, to now... finding out my father knew where I was the whole time.

Raven and Zaria's eyes were glued to me the whole time, their faces in disbelief.

"So let me get this straight, your dad is THE prince?! THE prince who's been lost for YEARS?!" Zaria held her hands up to her face in surprise.

I nodded.

Raven held her hands up, "Wait so... your dad KNEW you were there and not once did he try and get you out?"

I nodded again. "I don't think he knew the extent of how bad it was. He said when he went, they made it seem like a good place, and showed him all the happy places."

"HE WENT THERE?! HOW?!" Raven asked, shocked.

I shrugged. "He had a spell I guess from my mom from years prior. I guess he used that to hide himself so they didn't know who he was. They just thought he was some guy touring the facility."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Leave it to the hospital of hell to exclude the bad. I'm so sorry hun."

"Listen guys, Very very few people know. Please.. PLEASE don't tell anyone else. And keep this down. At least until I can find him. I know I can trust you two, but I don't want anybody else to know."

They both placed their hands on their hearts and nodded in agreeance.

Zaria looked at me for a minute, pondering what to say.

"I think... we may have a spell or potion of some kind to help us find him. Since he's your dad, you two share blood. Come for a minute." She got up and led me to a globe in her room. "Do you trust me?"

"Uh... yes?" I looked at her confused. She grabbed my finger and pricked it on the pin on top of the globe. Crimson red blood started to slowly ooze out, Zaria grabbed my finger and dropped a drop of blood onto the globe. She handed me a tissue for my finger as I watched the globe spin around. The blood, MY blood, landed on a city.

I glanced at it, eyes wide. Was it really that fucking easy?

"From this, it looks like your dad is in Oregon. I only know because I used to study the globe up and down trying to learn all the states. My parents gifted it to me when I started here, for its magical powers to always find them."

"I... in Oregon? How do I know where in Oregon?"

Zaria pondered again for a moment before going under her bed and pulling out a box of maps. "Told you I studied it." She rubbed her hand on the back of her neck.

"So... what do I do with this? Just say bippidi boppity boo and it'll show up?" I looked at her confused.

"No silly, place your finger over the map, and drop a bit of your blood onto it. And voila, it'll point to what city he's in. Blood magic."

I looked at her again, puzzled.

Raven held my other hand as Zaria took my finger that was still slightly bleeding and dropped another drop of blood onto the map. We watched as the blood trickled down to a small dot of a town off the coast.

"What town is that?" I pointed at the map, trying to hold my finger away from it so I didn't disturb it.

Zaria looked at it for a minute, pondering her next move. She walked to her dresser and pulled out a magnifying glass. "This should help us determine it."

She leaned into the map with the magnifying glass and studied it before standing back up, scratching her head. "Wheeler? Why it's so small it doesn't show well on a map, I don't know."

"Well... if you were trying to be discreet and not be seen by anybody, wouldn't you go to a small town too?" Raven asked her, placing her hand on her hip.

Zaria shrugged.

"Maybe we should turn in for the night... it's getting late." I said, wrapping my finger back up.

They both looked at me, making sure I was okay. "Are you sure?" They asked in unison.

I nodded.

Raven and Zaria gave me a quick hug before I headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

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I curled up under my comforter and ran through all the thoughts running through my mind.

~My father KNEW about me. He knew where I was this whole time...

~ Did my mother know? Why did they trap her? To get to me?

~ Could the "Lost Prince" have answers for me? More answers as to why we were split up, and why I was so special to these people, these monsters?

All these questions clouded my brain until I slowly drifted to sleep. The lights through my window becoming a blur until it was utter darkness.


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