Part 23: Prince Michael

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Branches reached out and tried to wrap around my now torn up feet, trying to pull me to the ground. I picked up speed, running as fast as I could through the forest, ignoring the sharp shooting pain inching its way up my legs. Footsteps stomped behind me as I ran.

I jumped behind a fallen log and crouched, doing my best to stay as out of sight as possible. The footsteps trampled by, searching...

"Oh Prince Michaeeel, where are you?" The eeriness of his voice sent chills down my spine.

The soldier turned around and started walking across the way from me. He leaned in to examine my footprints before his colleague called back to him.

"I found something Agent!"

The guy marched over to the others, clearing the brush with his sword as he went by.

I took the opportunity to run the opposite direction of them. I finally hit a town and hid in a local diner.

A young woman, she couldn't have been more than eighteen, walked up to me and greeted me at the door. "Hey Suga, you look like you could use a drink."

"Actually... Do you guys have a room I could stay in?" I panted in between words, out of breath from the run.

She nodded and led me to the back of the diner and handed me a set of keys.

"Go upstairs, down the hall, and it'll be the first room on the left." She smiled as she held the keys out for me to grab.

"Thank you Ma'am. If anybody comes, don't tell them I'm here please." I said, holding onto her shoulders.

She nodded, agreeing to the terms, and leaving me to find my room.

Up the stairs, down the hall, first door on the left... Old pictures of the town lined the hall near the stairs. Showing how little the town had changed since it first came into the picture. As I turned the corner of the hall, I saw the door leading into the room. The handle felt small in my somewhat large hands. My nails were covered in dirt, my hands cut from branches.

The room was simple, yet kind of homey. The walls had an old floral wallpaper from top to bottom, the floor was wooden aside from a large olive green rug sitting under the bed. I walked over to the bathroom to try and wash the dirt off myself.

Wow, some Prince I looked like. I look more like a fugitive at this point.

My legs were bruised up and tiny cuts lashed from my ankles up to my knees. My hair was tousled with dirt and grime in it. My face had started to form stubble across the bottom of my chin leading up my jaw.

After washing up, and finally starting to look like me again, I walked to the phone that hung on the wall near the desk and dialed.

Ziggy's groggy voice answered. I kept it short, then hung up. Afraid I was being watched or that I could be tracked. In all honesty, were these guards really that smart though?

The same people who had taken Serafina wanted me. The scientists. They were why I went into hiding. Nobody was safe with me around. They wanted ME.


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