Part 15: New life in Azalea

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        I had been practicing my powers for the past two weeks. We all had received new roommates upon arriving which was difficult, but we were still able to see eachother every day. My new roommate, Zaria had been helping me figure out how to find my powers. Zaria was part dragon, so she knew a lot about fire and how to contain it and when to embrace it. Zaria always wore her long black hair in a low ponytail or braid. She had blue eyes with a faint yellow ring, and her skin was a golden brown. She always wore gray or purple clothes, mostly jeans and sweatshirts although I did catch her in a skirt once.
    Since these past two weeks, I've learned how to throw fireballs, how to contain the fire inside of me so that I didn't explode again. I also learned another new power I had, Earth powers.  I could summon vines from the earth, tree branches from the ground, and raise flowers. A lot of what I was learning were coming from my professors in my classes too. Since we got here, I had cut my hair to about shoulder length and dyed it to a strawberry blonde color. Nobody asked about Anastasia here, nobody knew who Anastasia was here. It felt nice to be known as Serafina again, just the girl who fought like hell to get out of a horrible predicament.
"Serafina Stone?" Called out the professor.
"Here!" I said, raising my hand. I was seated  in the back corner with Raven and Zaria, along with a new friend of ours, Rome.
       Rome was a mystery to us. He was classified as the "cool kid" throughout school. He was in the warrior faction, and always wore a black leather coat. His dark brown hair was combed to the side of his perfectly etched face. He had these piercing sapphire eyes that would make any girl melt at the sight of them. He perfected his smirk whenever anybody so much as caught a glimpse of him. He was popular, obviously, and I was rather surprised when he just randomly became friends with us. He had known Zaria for years and they were thick as thieves majority of the time. But from time to time, I'd catch him glimpsing my way. Right as I'd turn to look at him, he'd turn his head, whistling like nothing happened. Raven caught it a few times and her cheeks started to turn slightly red. Raven had a thing for Zaria though, I could tell just by the way she lit up when Zaria entered the room.
Raven and I kind of pulled back quite a bit since we came here. We were still best friends, but we realized neither of us really wanted each other the way we needed. Plus, all my focus was on figuring out my powers and finding a way to free my mother and find my father. Those tasks alone took the majority of my time. But, that didn't stop her from getting slightly jealous whenever somebody else flirted with me.
I didn't realize I had trailed off in thought until Zaria nudged me and whispered "It's test time."
I looked up and realized the professor put a time up on the board of when to be finished by. I looked down at my test and read the first question to myself.

1. When did Accalon come to be?
A. 1865
B. 1910
C. 1965
D. 1980
    Okay, easy. 1910. I thought I remembered Nellie mentioning something to me about it a while back. I knew it was around for years. Next question...

2.  Who helped found Accalon and ruled for years?
A. Prince Michael/King
B. Prince James/King
C. Princess Joan/Queen
D. Princess Thalias/Queen

     I froze... completely shocked at seeing my supposed father's name on the paper in front of me. I knew the answer, but my hand wouldn't let me bring the pencil to the correct answer. The fact that we were learning about my blood and nobody had any idea struck an unfamiliar feeling in my stomach. It made me almost sick. I had no idea until three weeks ago who my father was or even my mother for that matter. Come to find out, I was a princess who nobody knew about? Would I even be a princess if my mother wasn't a royal? Was she royal? No, she couldn't be. Also, if my father helped found it.. wouldn't that make him over a hundred years old? Did angels even age?  I shook my head and forced myself to put down the correct answer and continued on with the test. The rest of the answers were a little easier, but I was still one of the last to finish the test.
   "Pencils down, remaining tests can please be brought up here. Since class is almost over, you can all chat among yourselves quietly please."
    This class was kind of boring, we didn't really use any kind of magic in this class. We just learned about the world of Accalon, and what came to be of it. Learned about the history of it all. I was a big history buff, but this tended to bore me. Maybe it was the Professor we had who spoke in a monotone voice a lot. Professor Jane Hillen wore her glasses on the bridge of her nose, always had her hair tied up in a neat bun, and always wore either pantsuits or ankle length dresses. She was the class nobody looked forward to.
     "What do you think you got? I'm pretty sure I got an A." Somebody said, puffing their chest out like they were some god.
      "Hey, Sera. How do you think you did?" Rome nudged me.
      "Uh.. okay I guess." I shrugged. The second question completely threw me off the rest of the test. I just needed to find a way to figure out where he was..
      "So uh.. I was wondering... if maybe you wanted to go see the city tonight? I've got a vehicle that can take us there. Only if you want to tho." Rome said, completely taking me out of my thoughts.
         I looked at him for a minute, taken aback. "I wish I could but-"
     "She's helping me study for my Chem  course tonight. Sorry." Zaria butted in. I looked at her and mouthed thank you without Rome noticing.
"Rain check?" I smiled at him.
"Oh, yeah sure." He then gathered his things and the bell rang, excusing us from class.
"Girl, you can't ignore him forever. He's CLEARLY got a thing for you. I don't know what you have planned for tonight, but it better be worth skipping out on a date with the best guy I've ever known." Zaria said, grabbing her things from next to her desk.
I caught up to her outside the classroom. "If you like him so much, then why don't you date him? I don't have the time to right now, I've got too much to focus on at the moment."
She looked at me for a moment before sighing. "Hun, him and I aren't ever going to be a thing. He's literally been my best friend since we were in diapers. Plus... I don't like guys. I kind of have a thing for... for Raven. I think?" She rubbed her hand on the back of her neck and looked down for a minute, kicking one foot against the ground. I  raised an eyebrow, daring to question for more. "Okay, not kind of, I do. But... I'd rather wait to get to know her for a bit before going straight into it."
We stopped at our lockers to pick up our books for our next class. We were in the Inferno class together where we learned more how to use our powers with fire. "Ya know, she likes you too. You should ask her."
She looked at me, her eyes lit up. "Really?!" She asked excitedly.
I nodded yes, shutting my locker. "Just ask her." She smiled at me and nodded.
I was kind of glad Raven would be taking her mind off me. It gave me more time to focus on what I needed to focus on. Tonight, I was looking more into where my father went. I don't know if the library held anything about him or not, or if I could find anything online about him.
I think this was the biggest challenge I've ever faced. Next to finding out how to free my mother. But, maybe he would know how to free her? Maybe... maybe I needed to go to the city of Azure. They were bound to have something about him there, being an Angel city and all. But how was I going to get there... then Rome popped up. Zaria told him earlier, when I was panicking, that I wouldn't be able to go. But... if he really had a car... could he take me? No.. it was too risky, that would mean letting him in on my secret. But I needed to know more about my father. I needed to know who he was, where he was. Maybe Rome could even help me. I shrugged, then walked alongside Zaria to our next class. I'd be able to figure it out later.

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