Chapter 52

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Callie's POV
We rush to the window "That car doesn't look familiar to me what about you" Jane asks, Jackie shakes her head, but I recognize that car anywhere it's his. Without even thinking I run to the door and throw it open, I run in the rain as he gets out of the car.

"KAI" I yell out getting his attention. I am still running when I jump and he catches me; my legs wrapped around him, I don't take another second to think when I kiss him.

Lighting crashes making me jump but he squeezes me tight and kisses me back. "When we get back to the house we need to talk," he says and I nod in agreement. "I'M GONNA GO WITH KAI THANK YOU" I yell at the doorway and they nod closing the door.

I get in the car and Kai immediately turns on the heaters, "I know it's hot but we can't get sick" he says and I smile.

"That better" Kai asks removing the towel from my hair as I nod. "So would you like to talk," I ask "About, why you ran away in the middle of our conversation or why we just kissed," he asks chuckling.

"Well..." I look at him and he is sitting there and then I realize something he's everything I want but am I everything he wants? "Callie?" He calls out to me "" why won't my words come out why can't I speak.

"Callie I truly like you like a lot I know that I may not be everything you're looking for but I know that I want to be with you and I know it's scary and hard but I was hoping we could face it together," he says and I feel my heart flutter

"You're dumb you are everything I'm looking for I'm the one that doesn't feel like enough for you, you deserve more than me" I quickly confess.

"What!," he says riled up "Did you hit your head," he asks grabbing me and checking my head. "No I didn't hit my head it's what I seriously believe," I say pulling away and laughing at him.

"Well that's dumb your amazing," he says sulking, he's cute when he's all pouty I think to myself. "Maybe we're both just dumb," I say chuckling.

"Callie what do we do now," he asks the question I've been dreading. "I don't know, for me after everything with Eric and Manny, I'm scared Kai," I confess meekly. "I know you are it's one of the reasons I haven't said anything," he says placing his hand on mine. "Damn I am so glad I told you but I know that once everyone finds out it'll be so depleting, ugh I don't know what to do" I groan throwing myself back on the bed

"Well we don't have to tell people we can just continue as the way we are in front of people because, after all, I don't want you and me to change," he says making me smile.

"You know what I say we do it under one condition I tell Grayson when the time is right," I say and he nods "Okay but I have a condition too," he says and I nod nervously. "I won't lie to my siblings," he says and I smile.

That's fine Mandy already asked if I was your sweetie then got distracted by her room before I answered" I chuckle "Well she did ask if Derrick was my sweetie first but I told her no," I say and Kai laughs

"What's funny," I ask confused "It's just that Derrick doesn't date and Mandy thinks that he won't get a happily ever after so anytime someone comes by she asks if they're his sweetie," he says smiling "Wow that's hilarious," I say laughing, but then gets interrupted by a delicate knock at the door.

I open the door to see Mandy standing there with tears in her eyes, "Aw what's wrong honey" I ask as she looks at the ground "I had a bad dream" she says holding my hand. "Can I sleep with you?" she asks sweetly "Ma-" Kai is about to speak when I let my heart speak

"Of course, I can, let me guess you're used to sleeping with stuffed animals right?" I ask bringing her into the room Yes but I have one now, she says crawling in the middle of the bed. "Oh really how about tomorrow I and you go and get you some," I say

"You promise" her eyes light up as I nod.
"No one is gonna go anywhere if we don't go to sleep so let's sleep okay," I say and quickly she lays down closing her eyes making Kai smile he lays on one side and I lay on the other

"Good night beautiful," he says looking at me making me blush. "Night night Bubba," Mandy says making me chuckle. We close our eyes and fall asleep and like always when I'm with Kai I never wake up once.

"Hello are you awake" I hear while feeling someone patting my arm. I turn over and see Mandy looking at me "I'm hungry and bubba isn't waking up" she says I look at the time and see that it barely turned seven. "Well let's make breakfast would you like to help me," I ask and she nods eagerly.

Kai's POV
I wake up to the sound of something crashing and then crying, I immediately jump out of bed and run to where the sound came from. "It's okay just make sure you are more careful, go and eat breakfast I'll get you orange juice," Callie says patting Jaden's head. He sees me and backs up "Woah Woah careful," Callie says nudging him forward, "Boy go and sit-"

"HEY" she barks at me, I and Jaden look at her stunned, "Jaden you can go sit down I'll get your juice," she says Jaden nods and scurries off. "Give him a little break today he and his girlfriend broke up and his favorite CD broke so he's a little off," she tells me "How- How did you know that," I ask  "I just asked him what's wrong and he let it all out," she says throwing the glass away.

"Wow thank you should I go get the others up," I ask and she shakes her head, "No they're already up and eating breakfast come on go eat," she says grabbing a glass and the orange juice carton. I walk behind her confused.

"Morning loser" Matt says I shoot daggers at her and she chuckles "Sit down" Callie says filling up everyone's cups. I sit down and start eating as Callie sits down beside me, "So..." Callie tries starting a conversation "Are you Bubba's sweetie" Mandy asks making everyone choke on either their juice or food, except Callie.

"Yes I am," she says calmly, Mandy's eyes light up but everyone else is shocked "We only became sweeties last night," she says and everyone looks at me.

"W-w-what" I stammer. "I am going out with Mandy and Jaden would anyone else like to come," Callie says changing the subject, "You're taking me too," Jaden asks "Hmm oh yeah I have a surprise for you," she says. I smile at her, I don't know how but I am so glad that we met.

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