Chapter 7

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Callie's POV

We've stopped at a park so we can eat "so Callie how is it living with the boys" Jackie asks I thought back to the closet, ugh why am I thinking of that. "Well it's okay, I'm not sure how Manny feels about it though after all my brother didn't even tell him," I say then Jackie and jane start chuckling "Trust me he likes you living there," Jane says "Yeah I think his exact words were she's really cool I wish I met her sooner she's nice to live with," Jackie says chuckling.

"Really," I say smiling to myself, Jackie and Jane nod "Come to think of it why don't you two live at the house," I ask them "Well I have rich parents who give me anything so I got a house at eighteen," Jane says, I then turn to Jackie. "My parents kicked me out when I was fifteen, so I lived with my aunt and started working so I could get my own house", "Yeah me and Jackie met when she was seventeen and I just turned eighteen" Jane grabs Jackie's hand. "Yeah and we quickly got to know each other so well that there was nothing we didn't know about each other, we got together and then I was kicked out of my aunts, so I moved in with Jane". "And we've been living together ever since," Jane says smiling holding Jackie "When I get in a relationship I hope that we can be as great as you two," I say smiling. We finish eating and go back to the car and we start going back "oh let me just call Manny I got to ask him something" Jane says calling Manny from the Bluetooth in the car. "Hey JJ what's up," Manny asks "hey is all the stuff ready for the baby bird to go home," she asks

Manny's POV

I and Grayson are about to get out of the car from getting Callie's present we stop when the car starts ringing from Jane's calling. I answer "hey is all the stuff ready for the baby bird to go home," she asks I look at Grayson confused. "Yes, the baby bird is free to go home just don't forget the treasury for the day," Grayson says "We got it all ready, see you in five" we hang up and get out of the car. "So what did you get her," I ask Grayson and he smirks "it's a surprise, all I'm going to say is she will love it so much," he says smiling walking into the house. "So why did you plan this" Grayson asks sitting down looking at me with serious eyes. "Well, she said you forgot and she looked sad so I thought you would want to know," I say nervously. Wait why did I do this, I even gave the girls my truck. "Hmm okay just remember that if you-" Grayson gets cut off by the sound of a horn going off. "Come on get in places," he says smiling it as his whole aura shifted, I wonder what he was going to say.

A/N- I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you so much for reading

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