Chapter 27

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Eric’s POV
I am in the office “Eric Dawson” the principal calls me in her office. “Hello, Mr.-” I cut her off “Please call me Eric I don’t feel old enough to be called mister” I smile and she nods “Well how old are you Eric she asks” and I chuckle “I’m actually twenty-one, " I say and just like everyone else. “Wow, she says amazed, “well you’re subbing today right,” she asks. I smile and nod, she hands me the classes I’ll be subbing.

After I finish, I walk to the first class I’m I open the door and see everyone’s eyes hit me. I silently walk to the front of the class with everyone looking at me. “Hello I am Eric I will be your sub; your teacher left your work here if you don’t finish it, it’s homework any questions,” I ask smiling. I love subbing it can be very entertaining, one girl raises her hand she has short blue hair, and sitting next to her is none other than Callie. I smile “Yes what’s your name and question,” I ask “I’m Jackie and how old are you,” she asks I laugh “I’m twenty-one Jackie” I respond I hear small gasps “Any more questions,” I ask and a lot more hands go up. I point at the next person “Are you in a relationship” another girl asks I look over at Callie who quickly looks away.

  “Yes, they actually come here” I smile evilly at Callie, I her people sigh and people gasp “Who is she,” a different girl asks just then I see Manny walk in he pauses when he sees me. He then goes and sits with Callie, I hear my phone ding “Oh one second” I say grabbing my phone.

Callie: Don’t you dare 👀
Me: Why you don’t want to be caught in a lie by your  friend do you 😈
Callie: Can you at least wait until I leave
Me: Lol okay

I put my phone down and face the class again I see Callie motioning to her friend that she wants to leave. “My girlfriend is actually your classmate,” I say and people gasp “Who is it,” the same girl asks “Well it’s Callie,” I say pointing at the door. Everyone turns around and Callie’s friend freezes Callie grabs her hand and yanks her out of the class. “Anyway enough with Q and A do your work,” I say smiling. The rest of the day I didn’t see Callie but I could hear people whispering “you know that Callie and him are dating” or “Do you think him and Callie have done it yet” I laugh at that one.

Despite what a lot of people think me and Callie have never done that just flirting and dating. It’s my last class and I remember that Callie has this class for sure. I see her come in people look at her she sits down and a couple of minutes later she finishes her work and brings it to me. “You pissed me off and now you are going to feel my wrath I am going to murder you after school,” she says with a smile and leaves the class. A couple of minutes later I hear people gasping looking at their phone, “What’s going on” I ask a girl and she shows me her phone it’s Callie’s brother who looks like he’s about to murder someone.

Just then the door swings open “YOU” he yells pointing at me with his friends trying to hold him back. I then see Manny stand up from the back of the class I didn’t even see him come in, he punches Callie’s brothers' stomach and whispers something to him patting him on the back. I see her brother nod I agreeance “Okay, you’re right” he says standing up and calmly walking down to the front with everyone looking at us. “So, you’re dating my little sister,” he says through a gritted smile. I cautiously nod I can diffidently win in a fight but Callie would literally murder me quite literally so is the most protective little sister I've met. “When did you two meet,” he asks “When she was sixteen but we just started dating when she turned eight-teen," I say he nods trying to keep his cool but his eyes look like something just died. “Okay you treat my sister right and we should get together soon,” he says and calmly leaves.

He has a scary side to him that he doesn’t show people just like Callie I think to myself. The day ends and I leave for the warehouse I walk in and nobody is there, I go to my office confused and my chair is turned around facing the window “Well look who decided to join me it’s about time” the chair turns around and I see Callie. 

A/N- Things are about to get spicy✨

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