Chapter 3

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Callie's POV
"Come on I'll show you around" he says smiling. He shows me everything we are now in the hallway, "Okay so I saved the best for last" he says excitedly pushing double doors open. My eyes widen as I see an explosion of colors everywhere. "Whoa" I say astonished "Its amazing" I say admiring someone's work, all the colors mixing in all the right ways.

"Well there is more of his work right here" he says moving me over "I'm going to make a call quick" he says "Ok Grayson" I say mesmerized at the rest of them "Its amazing" I whisper to myself, I start hearing someone humming and splashes around the corner. I walk around the corner where there is a guy with bright red hair doing an abstract painting. I stand behind him watching in amazement "blue, black, ooh red a little risky" I start muttering to myself "Hehe it is a little risky isn't it" he says turning around facing towards me.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't think you could hear me with your headphones on" I say chuckling nervously, "It's all good it's nice that I have an extra pair of eyes" he says smiling and waving for me to come close. I walk over to him "So what next" he asks as I look down at the colors. "Go with this purple" I say pointing at the purple sitting next to the red, he starts throwing it on. When he's done we step back and look "Wow you know what you're doing" he says wiping his hands on his splattered paint pants.

"I'm Manny" he says extending his hand "I'm Callie" I say shaking his hand. "Well Callie are you new here" he says sitting down "No my brother is showing me around he is hoping to convince me to come here" I say chuckling "Oh well what do you think will you stay" he asks looking at me with his green eyes that made my heart jump. "Well you guys have a great art department, and I would have a full scholarship, even though I am still in high school" I say "Woah really a full scholarship that's impressive and your I'm guessing a senior" he says and I laugh "Yup a regular old senior" I say surprised he got it right. "Well I hope you come here I would miss someone so beautiful" he says backing me up to a wall making me turn red "Hello? " I hear Grayson say "I'm over here" we say in unison I look at him and he looks at me.

The photo above is how I imagine Manny would look like

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