Chapter 48

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Grayson's POV
I wake up, slowly stretching and yawning. I get out of bed and walk into the garage and see Kai knocked out on the floor and right next to him I see Callie. "Leave them alone it's not like they're cuddling," Dylan says behind me, and right on cue, Callie cuddles up with Kai. I motion my hand to them rolling my eyes "What she's asleep just leave them alone they were the ones that didn't sleep now come help" he says pulling my ear.

I wince in pain as I follow him, I come outside and see the group unloading the car of groceries."He didn't have any food for them" Jane says walking passed me, "Or anything to eat" Jakie says getting my attention "Here me and Manny unload and you guys put away" Jackie said and the three of us nodded.

We go inside and assign ourselves to a station, Jane at the fridge, Dylan at the cabinets, and me at the pantry. Everything is being brought in and put in a place once everything is brought in everyone is putting stuff away.

"Wait what time is it," Jackie asks checking her phone "Oh shit it's seven," Jackie says and we all start going faster. "I am going to stop by the house and get everyone a change of clothes just in case we don't make it out of here on time," Jackie says and everyone nods. I have Manny take my spot as I start sweeping and vacuuming the rooms.

Callie's POV
I wake up and feel something nice and warm on me, I open my eyes wide when I realize it's Kai, my eyes meet his groggy ones but when he realizes it's me he gets up. "Oh sorry didn't- wait what time is it" he says making me and him quickly get up. "It is 9:30 so come on get dressed," Jane says behind us, we look at each other and nod "Here from Jackie," she says giving us both some clothes.

"You two can't change in front of each other sooo," Jane says motioning for the door. "Oh right sorry I'll go," he says tripping over his own foot, following Jane out. I change into what Jackie picked out for me, man I really have to hire her as my stylist, I chuckle to myself.

I come out of the garage and see everyone waiting for me at the dining table, "Omg I know that smell of flapjacks anywhere Gray Did you cook" I say as my eyes light up and he gives me a nod. I quickly plop down in between Grayson and Dylan, "I don't know why but I feel like I could eat a whole buffet" Jane says scoffing down her food.

We finished eating our food and cleaning up, "Okay Kai you have about three minutes until 10:30 you ready" Grayson asks and  Kai nods but I can see his hands shaking. "Okay then we'll get out of your hair let's go guys," Grayson says and everyone starts leaving "Um Gray-" I say meekly "Go ahead I saw the hands too just remember to check in," he says and I smile marching back to the house.

I knock on the door and Kai opens "Oh thank God" he says grabbing his chest. "I thought I would have to do this alone," he says making me smile, feeling confident I made the right choice. "Oh, I have an idea how about we make the social worker a plate for them from the leftovers sound good," I ask and he nods grabbing the plate.

By the time we're done setting the table, we hear a knock on the door making Kai drop the orange juice and you can see the panic in his eyes. "It's okay clean this up and I'll answer the door just trust me," I say going towards the door. I open the door "Hello- oh I'm sorry I must have the wrong house I'm looking for Kaius Jeffersons" she says and I smile at his full name "Oh no you have the right house I'm sorry I'm Callie Anderson" I say reaching my hand out as she shakes it.

"Oh your his client Callie Anderson," she says and I nod remembering what Kai asked for me. "Yes but please come in," I say stepping out of the way, "Miss Hernandez it's nice to see you again," he says shaking her hand. "Yes Mister Jeffersons should we get right into it" she asks and he nods "Yes let me show you their rooms," he says as I pat his back for good luck.

I go outside giving them some privacy. I stay outside for about an hour I get in the truck and listen to music and text Grayson that I'm okay, while also Instagram stalking Eric. "Ugh, you asshole," I say tossing my phone to the side, just then I see both of them coming out, as she is holding her plate of food.

I wait until she is gone, for me to get out of the truck, and when once she turns the corner, the cheekiest smile comes on Kai's face. "WHOOO" he cheers out excited  "YEAH FUCKING KILLED IT," he says ecstatic "WHOO YEAH GOOD JOB," I say matching his energy, "They are moving in three days from now," he says still having the cheekiest smile I've ever seen "But I had got off the phone with Matt and Derrick and they are on their way," he says at this point I can feel his happiness radiating off of him.

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