Chapter 43

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Callie's POV
I processed all the information he gave when he was giving it to me, and right now I'm coming up with a plan. "Okay I'll grant you this favor but I want to decorate your house," I say and he tilts his head at me. "One I'm trying out a new hobby and two your room has no type of joy in it, this one does but not the other one," I say "Fine then deal I'll send you all the details for Sunday oh and we're having a party Saturday so don't get too wasted," he says I nod "I'll be fine" I chuckle leaving the room. I grab my bag and take it to my room when I open the door I am met with a familiar pair of eyes. I quickly close the door and lock it, "Why are you here" I say coldly. "Well I tried texting but you weren't getting back to me"

"What I wonder why that is Eric," I say clenching my jaw, "Look Callie we can do this whole back and forth thing or we can just forgive and forget it was a little spat that turned into way more than it needed to," he says crossing his arms. "Okay I forgive you, bye boss," I say waving motioning for him to leave out the window the way he came. "Really no," he says standing in his place, "Look Eric I just got a lot going on and if you-"

"Who was kissing on your neck," he says with a deadly tone I feel my heart drop to my stomach. "Eric you should go," I say trying to get him out. "It was that guy wasn't it what was his name again, Mason," he says "It's Manny, not Mason," I say accidentally correcting him. "So it was him the reason you got in the mess with your brother and yet there's a small hickey on your neck," he says through gritted teeth. "Eric I know it seems bad but we didn't do anything but-" I am cut off when I see the bathroom door open. Manny comes in and stops in confusion, I can feel Eric's rage steaming off of him. "Eric don't do anything dumb," I say standing between them. I see him take a breath "Manny the person who caused you to lie to your brother for the first time, and me someone you should have never got associated with you truly know how to pick them your right I should go bye Callie" he says going out the window. "Callie-" I grab my hoodie and put my hood on. "Callie I'm sorry-" I walk out of the room feeling heated and open Kai's door. "You offer to leave whenever still open," I ask and he nods and quickly gets up and grabs his keys. "Callie please talk to me," Manny says whispering. "Careful Manny your not a good whisperer wouldn't want Grayson to know you almost fucked his sister," I say and Kai comes out and grabs my hand rushing me downstairs. "WAIT" Manny shouts, "HEY what's going on," Grayson asks "I like Manny he doesn't like me and I want to be alone with Kai good enough for you," I say and Grayson looks at me and then looks at Manny. "Welp I'll see you tomorrow," I say and I leave. We get in the car and start driving "So what really happened" Kai asks.

Grayson's POV
"Soo my sister likes you," I say slowly as I myself am processing the words that I am saying. "Yep but I turned her down now you won't have to be all weird between you and me," he says and I see the sadness in his eyes. That's when I realize I haven't been being the greatest brother I can be. "Well, that's too bad because I thought you too would make a good couple," I say "Yeah we- wait what," he asks looking at me. "What I thought you liked her but I guess I was wrong well if you did that would've been fine with me as long as you told me," I say and he had absolute shock and regret on his face. "Welp yeah I guess once you um.." I chuckle "Boy just go and tell her," I say and a cheeky smile appears on his face "Thank you, you so won't regret this," he says grabbing his keys and running out the door.

Callie's POV
"So you had an eventful day again," he says chuckling "I'm relieved you called when you did if you didn't I honestly think I would regret it," I say sighing "You know whenever you get your urges that you're not supposed to put out there you could do what I do," he says having me intrigued "Well I just think of my siblings and immediately those feelings are turned off" he chuckles "Wow yeah that would work but you probably don't have to do that anymore," I say "Nope it's been coming up lately" he mumbles "What?" I see him looking through his rearview "Don't freak out but Manny's behind us" Kai says I turn around and see Manny approaching my side. "Pull over" he yells out the window "What do you want" I shout back. "I want to be with you I talked to Grayson and I don't care if you are polyamorous I still want to be with you," he says "Kai I don't know what to do," I say and he sighs "Follow your heart Callie but just remember that there is someone out there that loves every part of you," he says and I feel like my heart is finally understanding.

"Go back home Manny I'm done having people play with me I deserve someone who loves all the parts of me the crazy competitive and calm and soothing parts and you have made it clear that you are not that person," I say and I see his eyes become sad. "THEN WE WILL START OVER AND I WILL MAKE YOU LOVE ME" he shouts as we drive away. I am shaking from all the mixed emotions I feel and I start feeling out of breath again. I see Kai's hand reach over and he goes in the glove box pulling out an object and handing it to me. I look down and see he gave me an inhaler that has my name labeled on it. "I thought you could use it more than I do," he says and I smile. "Now let's go we still have a couple of hours of daytime what should we do," he asks "Oh I know let's decorate your house," I say smiling

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