Chapter 49

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Callie's POV
It is about 8:30 and the group is back at Kai's house, when he found out the news we all wanted to celebrate, we are all around the table playing Uno when we hear a knock on the door snapping our necks. "I think your company is here," Grayson says surling on his words. "Somebody cut him off," Kai says before getting up and going to the door excitedly.

"Matt, Derrick I'm so glad your here come in," he says pulling them inside. They both have fluffy hair like Kai, "Guys this is Derrick" Derrick is tall and slim, and "This is Matt" Matt is the shortest but she has the fluffiest hair out of all three of them and she has purple in her hair. They wave at the group and Grayson being the drunk he is starts crying.

"Bro get it together why are you crying" I say laughing at him. "Oh wait don't tell me that's Grayson, Dylan, Manny, Jane, and Jackie," Matt says pointing everyone out correctly.

"Oh, and that means you must be Callie" Derrick says his voice is deep and sliky, "Hey watch it bucko she's my sister don't be trying to hypnotize her with your voice," Grayson says trying to point at Derrick.

"On that note, we're going home," Dylan says picking Grayson up with Manny helping him. Just then I get a call I look down and see Eric's picture making me huff.

"I am actually staying with a friend tonight I'll see you guys tomorrow," I say and they nod leaving with Grayson. I step aside and take the call "You with Keen" he asks confusing me "You mean Kai" I ask annoyed just hearing his voice.

"Yeah that's the one-" I cut him off feeling impatient "Look what do you need I don't have the patience" I say and hear him sigh "Just come to the warehouse" he says hanging up the phone "Dumb mother-"

"That your boyfriend," Matt says making me jump from not noticing she was there. "Ugh no it's my ex and my current boss," I say rolling my eyes "Oof good luck with that," she says as Kai walks in "With what" he asks "I have been summoned," I say grabbing my keys

"Want me to come with just in case" he says I can see the worriedness in his eyes. "No I'll be fine if anything I'll call okay," I say and he slowly nods, I leave and start heading for the warehouse.

Kai's POV
I watch her leave and I feel like someone is twisting my stomach. "So you're just gonna let her leave," Matt asks behind me, "She- umm I mean-" I can't even complete my sentence. "So are we gonna go follow her? Are you coming or not" Derrick says grabbing my keys. "You are not driving my car," I say getting the keys out of his hands and going towards the car.

I am very much aware I shouldn't be following her but I don't know why I can't stop myself. "So why do you feel the need to follow her," Matt asks from the backseat, "I don't have to I just want to make sure that she's okay last time that prick made her have a panic attack where she got caught in the rain we had to take her to the hospital so I just need to make sure she is safe," I say releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Damn you like her," Derrick says bluntly

"No shit what gave it away," I say rolling my eyes "Well that and the fact that you have a personal inhaler for her," he says pulling her inhaler back. "Put it back," I say sternly, "So why not make a move," Matt asks "Damn why do you guys want to know so much," I ask feeling like I'm in an interrogation. She had made it to the warehouse I parked a couple of cars away and wait, "She works at a warehouse" Matt asks

"Yeah, she fixes cars and paint jobs you know stuff like that," I say feeling relieved that the subject was changed. "Cool, why won't you make a move on her," Matt asks again "Because she just got out of this one and her brother's best friend keeps confusing her saying he wants her but he can't and now he says he won't give up so the last thing she needs is to have me confusing her as well," I say and they both just look at me.

"What?" I ask confused "You poor soul there is no way your emo ass will equal up to Manny's charm," Matt says putting their hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, asshole" I huff, "Let's give him the benefit of the doubt we have to see how the ex looks," Derrick says.

"Oh, your in luck because there he is in the window," I say pointing up and they both quickly look, "Oh yeah you're fucked" Derrick says breaking the silence. "You guys are assholes, Callie doesn't care about appearances she has many sides to her," I say laughing, but soon realizing that they're not listening.

I look up at the window and see Eric pull Callie in and kiss her hard, I look away, "OH SHIT" they say in unison making me look back, I see that Callie's fist is connected to his jaw. "Holy shit your right she does have different sides to her," Matt says chuckling.

We continue watching and see Callie trying to walk away but Eric grabs her and pulls her.
Without saying a word we all jump out of the car and start running towards the warehouse they follow me running to the office.

Callie's POV
"Eric let go, your not in your right mind stop," I say trying to pull away. "Callie no don't leave stay, stay with me," he says gripping tighter "No I don't-" there is a big bang making him let go and I  turn around. I see Kai coming in hot along with Derrick and Matt, they grab me and pull me back and Kai goes running up on Eric.

"Don't fucking touch her, she is not yours anymore, you left her in the rain you fucking bastard" he says getting in Eric's face. "Oh you think you can tell me what to do" he says getting in Kai's face.

"Ugh you reek of alcohol, look Eric we are leaving with Callie whether you like it or not," he says "Kai please" I say and Kai looks at me as in telling me to trust him. "We will see you next week you need time to cool off and get your head straight," he says making Eric angry as he swings at him. I am about to rush in when I am grabbed "Just watch" Derrick says through clenched teeth as much as it bothers him he doesn't step in either.

I look back and see Kai duck then hit Eric in the rib cage, and then right hook, left hook, making Eric fall down. "Go go," he says and we all rush out, "Where the hell did you learn that" I ask "Ten years of boxing lessons," he says smirking.

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