Chapter 46

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Callie's POV
Kai went to the bathroom it's been an hour or two and the party is really in motion, there are people dancing and others just being dumb with their friends. "Ugh I can't wait until this damn party is over," I say to myself "Not having fun," Dylan says leaning against the counter. "Guys guys I need your help," Kai says running downstairs and coming to me and Dylan.

"Look Olive was involved with the thing with my parents so now Matt and Derrick are coming tomorrow because her asshole husband is kicking them out," Kai says panicked. "What oh no Kai what are you gonna do," Dylan asks "Matt and Derrick are his other half remember he's a triplet" Dylan whispers in my ear. "I don't know the social worker for the twins and Mandy is coming tomorrow at ten and I don't have rooms for Matt and Derrick," Kai says scratching his arm.

"Ugh it's so loud in here I can't be here," he says about to leave. "No, no wait just stay right here Callie stay with him and give me a second" Dylan says running off. "THE POLICE" he yells in the middle of the room and everyone runs out of the house like rats. All that's left in the house is the group, "Now that everyone's gone everyone Kai needs our help" Dylan says and everyone directs their attention to Kai "Um well there has been a change in plans, and Matt and Derrick are coming tomorrow but the social worker is coming at ten and I have no rooms for Matt and Derrick" he says quickly. "Oh well umm..." Grayson says thinking squinting his eyes, "OH I GOT IT" I say too loud.

"Sorry" I chuckle nervously, "What I mean is you have two places for them to stay they just need to be cleaned up" I say and Kai tilts his head in confusion. "The basement and Garage," I say reminding him "CALLIE YOU GENIUS," he says squeezing me into a hug. "Wait what time is it," he asks slowly releasing me, "It'sss... 1:30" Jane says pulling out her phone, "Okay we still have a couple of hours until then," I say rubbing Kai's back. "Okay, Kai we're all here to help right guys" Everyone nods in response.

"Okay then everyone go get changed and I'm gonna put on some espresso we are leaving in fifteen got it," I ask, and everyone nods "Then move it, people, Jackie and Jane you can pull whatever you want out of my closet," I say clapping my hand and everyone disperses. I immediately turn on a pot of coffee and then go to the pantry pulling out three cans of energy drinks. I then run upstairs and see Jackie and Jane in my closet "Y'all okay" I ask grabbing my pants and changing everything but my shirt.

"Yeah, we are almost done," Jackie says "Okay I'll see y'all downstairs," I say leaving the room. I get back downstairs and start getting out four cups to go, I put each amount of sugar and cream each of them like in their coffee. I start grabbing the rest of the energy drinks and putting them in my bag along with melatonin and water. "THREE MINUTES PEOPLE COME ON" I shout and start hearing everyone come out of their room.

"Grayson coffee," I say and now everyone is coming downstairs "Jane and Manny," I say handing them their coffee, "And I know you guys don't drink coffee so here Jackie, Dylan, and Kai," I say handing them each an energy drink. I grab my coffee and look at the time "Okay people gather around we have two minutes" I say and everyone comes and gathers around the island in the kitchen. "Okay, so who is up to drive," I ask and only Manny and Kai raise their hands.

"Okay then Grayson and Dyaln go with Manny and Jakie and Jane go with Kai any questions, " I ask and Jackie raises her hand making me chuckle "Yes Jackie," I ask "Who are you going with Manny or Kai," she asks and both of them look at me "Um neither I am going to go pick up some stuff for the rooms" I quickly say. "Callie you don't-"

"I want to," I say cutting Kai off "Times up everyone start to move out," I say, and out goes Manny, Dylan Jane, and Jackie, Grayson is about to step out when I turn around feeling someone grab my hand "Hey before you go you doing okay just want to check in," Kai asks grabbing my hands. "yeah don't worry about me what about you; you do realize that you are going to have five other people living with you," I say squeezing his hand.

"Oh don't worry about me I'll be fine after all I know that I can rely on you," he says smiling at me. "Mhmm" I look behind me to see Grayson still standing at the door, "Right let's go," I say when I notice Kai still holding my hand. I slowly pull my hand away, and soon we all take off Manny is following Kai and I am going to any furniture  store that is open right now.

Kai's POV
I lead everyone to my house and once we get off we all gather around "Um so the garage is a mess so we'll split into two groups and tackle everything at once okay" I ask and everyone nods I open up the garage and they all look at me surprised "Kai this just no" Jackie says "Yeah I know I kept putting it off" I say "Wait a second I thought you were house sitting this house" Grayson says and I feel chills "Yeah I was and comes to find out the person who owned it was just seeing if I was responsible enough to have it" I say coming up with something. "Oh that's cool of them," Grayson says dropping it, "Yeah anyways let's get to work, " I say opening the door, "Okay Jackie and Jane will stay-"

"Kai I love you but no me and my baby are going inside and we'll take Grayson he's strong," Jackie says and I smile forgetting she doesn't like giant messes. "Okay then it's settled you guys go inside and we'll stay out here," I say and everyone nods and we split up getting to work. We start taking things out throwing everything we don't need. We are about an hour "So Kai you nervous to have all your siblings in your house" Manny asks

"Nah I was but I remembered that if I ever need help I can call Callie" I say smiling to myself, "Oh yeah you and Callie are the best of buddy's now" Manny says annoyed, "Something wrong" I ask feeling a small rage in my stomach. "No, no it's just weird how all of a sudden you two are so close what did you really do," he says and now I'm starting to get pissed off, "What exactly are you insinuating... Oh, wait a second your jealous" I laugh

"I have no reason to be jealous of you" he scoffs "Oh really so it doesn't bother you that she rejected you because she realized that you are not good for her, and yet me and her are still friends can you say your still friends" I say gritting my teeth. "You better watch your mouth," he says

"How about you make me," I say steaming, all of a sudden I feel my ear being pulled but it's not by Manny because his is being pulled too. We both look and see Dylan pulling us out of the garage "Both of you stop acting like fucking children" he says pissed off. "Hey, what's going on why aren't you guys cleaning" We turn around and see Callie hopping out of the truck.

"Because these two dumb asses are having a dick-sizing contest acting like children bickering back and forth," Dylan says storming off and going back to cleaning. "Yeah I thought that would happen Manny go inside and help the others I'll help out here," she says keeping her cool. "Fine," Manny says bitterly "I will deal with you later but for now, I got some good news," she says taking a deep breath.

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