Chapter 100: Not In My Book

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My hands start to sweat more as I think about all the things Mr. Addams could say to both of us right now.

"but you both cannot be having sexual intercourse in your shared dorm room." She says to us. Wednesday audibly huffs in response and I just close my eyes aggressively as if it will make this whole situation end. "Now, since Nevermore is at full capacity at the moment we will not have you both be switching roommates, not that I would do that even if we had the room."

"Mother, you are aware that me and Enid are not the only students in this school that engage in sexual activity in a dorm room correct." Wednesday asks in a more rhetorical tone. She seems less uncomfortable and more 'this is so unessasary'.

"Well you both are the only two students that partake in such activities that have managed to not only get caught, but to threaten a students safety because of it." Ms. Addams responds.

"I didn't threaten her safety. I threatened her hamsters safety there is a big difference." Wednesday responds slightly offended. I look down to the ground trying to hide my face and stop my laughter.

"You can't see how waterboarding someone, tying them to a tree, tossing a knife at their head, and threatening to end their pets life can come off as a threat?" Mortica adds.

"Not in my book, those activities all seem quiet enjoyable." She responds, with a slight smirk on her face.

"You told me what you were doing was 'a little light torture'." I say look over to her. She looks back to me with a confused look on her face.

"Exactly, enjoyable."

"Anyways, the whole reason I called you both down was to tell you to either stop having intercourse in your dorm, or be more cautious about it. We don't need another student, or for heavens sake a staff member walking into your dorm while you both are...preoccupied." Mortica explains. Wednesday slightly nods her head in response and I tell her that we will be more careful.

After a few seconds, me and Wednesday had thought the conversation had ended so we started to turn around and walk out the door. That is until...

"Oh and please try to enjoy these next few days at Nevermore. Friday will be your last day of school for two to four weeks." Mortica adds, grabbing a piece of paper out of the drawer of her desk. Me and Wednesday focus our attention back onto her after she speaks.

"I don't understand, you said we weren't going to get into trouble?" I ask her nervously.

"Oh dear it's not just you both, all the students and staff at Nevermore are getting a two to four week break. Since the crackstone incident we haven't updated our security systems yet. The unexpected vacation will give us time to add what's necessary to ensure that nothing negative will be entering the area," Mortica says.

I don't have to look at Wednesday to know she is just as shocked as I am about this. It's Tuesday today, three days is not nearly enough time for everybody to figure out where they are going to go for a month.

Mortica looks at both of us with a confused look on her face after we don't say anything. "Do people not know about this?" She asks. We both shake our heads. She sighs and gets back to writing on her paper. "I swear, the one thing I told Gomez to do was send out a quick email."

Once again, a few seconds go by and me and Wednesday exit the room. We start to walk back to our class not talking, just thinking to ourselves about what we are going to do for nearly a month long break from school at the beginning of March.

I think about what my family used to do during vacations and breaks off of school. We never do anything for Thanksgiving. For Christmas we visit some of my family down in the south, needless to say i'm not willing to do that voluntarily.

Wait, February vacation plans!

Every February vacation me and my family always used to travel to Vermont to ski. Even thought me and my brothers have only ever snowboarded we still say 'we are going skiing' for some reason. We haven't went in recent years because of my parents and their arguments, but who says it wouldn't be fun with Wednesday?

Wait...this can be like a group thing. Me and Wednesday are the only students that know about the sudden vacation, nobody has any plans because they don't know it's happening.

You know what that means?

"I think me, you, Yoko, Divina, Kent, Ajax, Bianca and Eugene should all rent a little village condo for the vacation up in Vermont so we can spend the time away from school embracing the colder weather, skiing, building snowmen, sledding, drinking hot chocolate and watching comfort movies." I say very quickly to Wednesday. She stop in her track in the middle of the hallways and stares at me for a while.


"How would be get there?" She asks me.

"We could fly, we would rent a mini van, we could-"

"Let's fly there." She says cutting me off. "I have no patience for long car rides, it doesn't matter who I am with." Wednesday says before starting to walk again. I happily catch up to her with a large smile on my face. "You should message them."

"Hmm?" I respond.

"Message Yoko, Divina, Kent, Ajax, Bianca, and Eugene that they have plans for a vacation they don't know about." 

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