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You opened your eyes a little and felt a pang on your neck, you trembled when you remembered what happened earlier. Your eyes still felt heavy but you tried your best to keep them open. You took a look around and realized that you were in some kind of a basement.

Your hands and legs were tied on the pole and no matter how much you tried, you couldn't free yourself. It was so tight that your wrists were hurting and you were sure that you're gonna have bruises on it. A tear escaped your eye and you gathered all the energy that was left in your body to call a certain person

"J-Jennie!" It was not too loud but not that low too. You heard the creek of the door and a shiver ran down your spine when you heard a deep voice. "You're finally awake Mrs. Kim" he said and you heard his footsteps approaching you, it was dark there so you can't see properly. But you were sure that's he's not alone now as you heard someone else's chuckle.

Soon both of them were in your sight and you could see their faces as there was a little light right above the pole on which you were tied but you didn't recognize them. "W-Who are y-you?" You asked weakly and yelped in pain when you received a hard slap on your face. "Shut it bitch! You're not allowed to talk unless we tell you to!" One of them said and then the both of them smirked eyeing your whole body and face.

"Well Well Well! There's one thing on which both of us will agree, that is that Jennie won a jackpot!" He said and both of them laughed. "Hmm, but don't you think we deserve it more than her?" The other one said and licked his lips creepily. Jennie, please come fast! You prayed mentally and shivered when both of them turned to you.

"Don't worry, it will feel good. We're gonna take you to heaven" He said and chuckled deeply. "N-No, please! D-Don't d-do this!" You begged when one of them unbuckled his belt and the other one pulled out a knife from behind. He smirked and walked towards you, your faces were inches apart when he stopped and brought the knife to your throat. You winced in pain when he pressed it and a blood started flowing from that minor cut.

He then pulled his knife back and ripped your shirt, leaving you in your bra and causing you to scream. "No! Please I beg you don't do this to me!!" You cried and he slapped you again, but this time the corner of your lips started bleeding. "DID I TELL YOU TO SPEAK?!" He asked madly and you whimpered. He placed the knife on your exposed shoulder and dragged it along your arm, making a huge cut. You cried in pain but he didn't stop. He went behind you and made a cut on your back too. It was small related to the other one.

You were crying in pain and blood was flowing through your cuts. But thankfully, they were not that deep. He again came in front of you and you flinched when you heard a gunshot. He smirked and pulled your hair away from your neck and attacked it hungrily. You screamed, begged him not to do that but he didn't stop. His hands traveled all around your body and you already felt disgusted with yourself.

When his hand reached your boobs, the basement door opened with a loud thud. You were so out of energy that you didn't even bother to look but when you heard a familiar voice, you forced yourself to look up. The guy already pulled away from you and your eyes once again filled with tears when you saw her.

"J-Jennie" It was merely above a whisper and you were sure no one heard that. When your eyes met, you wanted nothing but to run to her and hug her. You wanted her warmth. "Y/n!" Jennie shouted and ran towards you but stopped when she saw your condition. She felt pain and anger all over her body.

She looked at the two guys who were still standing there smirking. "You bastards!!" She yelled loudly. "Your wife is hot Jennie" One of them said in a mocking tone and Jennie immediately shot him right on his head. You tightly shut your eyes and that guy laid on the floor dead. Jennie turned to the other one who had a knife in his hand, that were now trembling.

Jennie grabbed that knife from him and stabbed him everywhere she could, his shoulder, arm, hands, legs and he cried in pain. At last Jennie stabbed his throat and he fell down dead. Jennie turned to you and her eyes also filled with tears. You were trembling, your whole body was covered with blood and there were a few hickeys on your neck.

Jennie slowly walked towards you and you flinched when she brushed her hand on your cheek. Her heart broke seeing you flinch at her touch but when you felt her warmth, you slowly opened your eyes and a sob left your lips when you looked at her. Jennie smiled sadly and untied the ropes. You fell when she successfully untied them all and she immediately held you and picked you up in bridal style.

"I'm sorry" Jennie whispered and a tear left her eye falling on your cheek. "Don't b-be sorry J-Jen, it's n-not your f-fault" You stammered weakly and wiped her tear. "T-Take me h-home Jennie" You whispered and laid your head on the crook of her neck. She started walking and told her men to check the whole building again to make sure that no one's alive.

She gently sat you on the passenger seat and took off her blazer before putting it on you. Your eyes shut closed as it was becoming difficult for you to keep them open. Jennie quickly drove back home and called the doctor to treat your cuts. She asked one of her trusted maid to make sure that Liam don't come in there room because she knew that he can't see you like this. She thanked the doctor and closed the door as he left. She slowly walked towards the bed where you were laying and sat beside you. She thought twice before holding your hand.

"I'm sorry Y/n, you had to went through this because of me"

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