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"Mommy!!" Liam shouted happily and ran towards me. I opened my arms and knelt down as he jumped on me giving me a koala hug. "I missed you so much my Mr. handsome!" I said and kissed his head. "I missed you more mommy!" He said and I put him down carefully. "Did you enjoyed their, with your grandma?" I asked and ruffled his hair when he nodded. "Where is mama?" Liam asked as he looked around finding Jennie. "She got a call and had to leave for something important" I said sadly. "But don't worry, she'll be back soon!" I said and grinned to light up his mood.

"It's alright mommy but since I've stayed away from you for a long time, you have to bring me to an ice cream shop!" He said excitedly and I chuckled at his cuteness. "Alright baby, just give mommy some time to change" I said. "Ok, I'm waiting for you in the living room" he said and ran away before I could even reply.

I shook my head and went to my room. I quickly changed into a crop top and a pair of jeans before going downstairs. Liam was sitting on the couch with his iPad, playing some games I guess? "Liam, baby? Mommy is ready to go!" I said and he almost immediately threw his iPad on the couch before running to me. He held my hand and dragged me out of the house and in the car. I giggled at his eagerness. 

We went to the ice cream shop. It would have been quite awkward if I let Jennie's army of guards come with us so I asked them not to. It was only me, Liam and Mr. Lee. I also asked him to stay back but he said that it was Jennie's order to be with Liam and you whenever we go out so I didn't argued much. We ate ice cream and then went to the mall since Liam said. I couldn't let down such a cutie so I agreed.

"What do you want to buy from this mall champ?" I asked him softly. "Anything I like!" He replied and continued walking around happily. I laughed at his cuteness and pinched his cheeks lovingly. Liam tugged the hem of my shirt and I looked at him. He gestured me to crouch down so I did. "Mommy, I need to pee!" He whispered shyly in my ear and I held my laughter.

"Mr. Lee, can you guide Liam to the restroom?" I asked politely and he nodded. "Go cutie! I'll be waiting here for you" I said and he nodded before going with Mr. Lee. 'This kid brought so much happiness in my life' I thought and smiled to myself only for it to be disappear when I felt a sting behind my neck. I turned around while my hand made its way to the back of my neck. I saw a man in mask and cap standing right behind me with a syringe in his hand. "W-What did y-you-" I couldn't complete it when darkness surrounded me. Everything went black and I fell but that guy caught me in his arms. This is the last thing I remembered.

I just hope Jennie come to save me!


Liam and Mr. Lee came back but furrowed their eyebrows when they didn't saw you. "Where is mommy uncle?" Liam asked innocently while looking around to find you. "She'll be here somewhere, don't worry she'll be back in no time" Mr. Lee said and walked around to find you. He thought that you went to some shop getting bored but when almost an hour went away, he was a little concerned about you.

His phone rang and he picked up immediately seeing Jennie's name. "Mr. Lee, are Liam and Y/n with you?" Jennie asked coldly. "L-Liam is with m-me but I d-don't know w-where Mrs. Kim is" He replied nervously. "What do you mean by that?!" Jennie asked, panic laced in her voice knowing that you are not with them. "I-I took L-Liam to the r-restroom and when w-we came back Mrs. Kim w-was nowhere to b-be found. I am t-trying to f-find her around t-the mall from t-the last hour but s-she's nowhere" He said and Jennie panicked even more.

"Get Liam back home, but not without the CCTV footages of the whole mall!" Jennie ordered sternly. "Yes, Ms. Kim!" He said and the phone hung up.


'No No No! This can't happen! Y/n is in danger because of me, I'll never forgive myself if something happened to my Y/n!' I thought and panicked. But it's not the time for that. I grabbed my phone and dialed Jisoo's number. "Hello, Ms. Kim" She said politely. "Jisoo, I need you to track Y/N's phone location asap! It's an emergency and I want to know her location in the next hour!" I said coldly. "Ok, Ms. Kim! I'll send her location to you as soon as I can!" She said and I hung up on the phone.

Mr. Lee entered my office and as much as I want to kill this man for his irresponsible behavior, I can't because I know he has done a lot for me and Liam and it's not his fault. "Ms. Kim, here's the footage!" He said and handed me the pen drive. I immediately plugged it into my laptop and played the footage.

My fist clenched when I saw a guy injecting something in her neck after which she went unconscious and he picked her up and went away. I couldn't see his face because of the mask and cap but something else caught my eye. "This mark on his wrist! It's black dragons!" I said and punched the table in frustration. "They have to pay for touching my Y/n!" I said angrily.

'Hold up for me baby girl! I'll come and get you in no time'

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