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The Watsons changed. Tommy knew that. He loved that he had a family now. They let him go wherever he wanted, they never questioned him, and they never punished him. As long as he did the bare minimum, they were pleased. Wilbur taught him how to play music, Phil taught him how to master his powers, Techno taught him combat. Heck, Kristen even came once in a while and became a mother figure to Tommy. Tommy felt safe and was living life how it should be. 

He could now be happy knowing he had a great family for all of eternity.




"I can't believe that worked Techno. That was a great plan!"

"I told you he would be back. Did I not?"

Phil came in, "Calm down boys. It was a great plan. I can't believe he accepted that shitty apology."

"Well we gained his trust and now he is with us."

There was a knock on the door and Wilbur opened it. There stood Tommy.

"Hey guys. I just wanted to tell you that I was heading to bed."

Wilbur smiled and hugged the boy, "Goodnight Tommy! Sweet dreams!"

Techno gave a smile and nod as Phil spoke up, "Goodnight Tommy! We love you!"

Tommy smiled and left. Wilbur quickly shut the door and sighed out of relief.

"He really is gullible," Techno commented.

They all smiled and laughed as they conversated more. They all knew something. They couldn't help but gloat about it too. Oh Tommy. Poor Tommy.

"You are ours forever."


This is the end of the story! I am glad you guys stuck around to read it all (or most of it). Have a great day and this whole story will be edited soon! Thank you guys!

Update: This story is now fully edited. So if you see any mistakes feel free to comment it! Also if you have any questions about the story that weren't answer you can comment here too!

Word Count: 314

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