Chapter 1: Occurrences

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??? POV I will switch between 3rd and 1st POV in this story

There is rumored to be mythical creatures in this world. But only the crazy say that. Though with more and more disappearances... would this be true. Tommy didn't believe that though...right? Tommy was a rascal who lived on the streets. He was very thin, but as he observed his surrounds... he noticed more and more about the people's disappearances. It seemed that teens were a common target too which made Tommy more scared. But now there he was stealing bread from the baker down the street. He was lucky if he got a loaf every other day.

"Stop right now you little gremlin!" The baker screams as he chases me with a broom.

"Nah." I say running as I flip him off as a nice goodbye. 

I make it back to the alley way with the cardboard spread along the floor. It isn't much but it's better than sleeping on the cold wet floor. I eat the loaf of bread I stole from that shitty baker for a somewhat of a dinner. His baking was amazing though. I can't help but glance at the stars when I finish the loaf. It is the only thing I can actually count on. I jinx myself though because then dark clouds roll in and it starts to rain heavily. Great, now I have to sleep in the cold rain. 

Though through the pouring rain I can't help but hear... screaming? I peek through the alleyway and see in the rain a lady getting her blood drained from a red eyed monster. Not really a monster more of a human with red eyes and pale skin. This can't be real. Must be the rain. I rub my eyes to see if my brain is playing tricks on me. They are still there, and the red eyed guy seems to see me. After he drains the life out of the women, he begins to come my way.

"Why what do we have here~" He asks with a smug look. The closer I look at him I see his red eyes and black hair. He has tattoos all over his body and looks like he can bench me. I start walking backwards. but he keeps following me until he has me pinned to the wall.

"Y-you don't really want me I taste awful." I say in a plan to not fucking die. I need to get myself out of this alley.

"I need no witnesses kid. And you look like a nice dessert after my main course," I start squirming trying to break free, "Give up kid you're like a fly trapped in a spider's web."

"Let him go." A mysterious voice booms. The vampire turns around still keeping me pinned.

"I think not." He grins at the mystery man.

"I said. Let him go." All of a sudden, he unpins me. "Now leave and never come back." And just like that he left and mystery guy walks up to me. 

He is a brunette with curly hair. He also has brown eyes that sparkled in the moonlight with golden rimmed round glasses. He wears a maroon beanie on his curly locks with yellow sweater and black sweatpants covering his body even further. Great. A person with terrible fashion sense saved me.

"U-uh thanks." I stutter. He then stares at me briefly before giving a warm yet unsettling smile.

"No problem! What's your name?"


"Well, where is your home Tommy? I can take you there." I nervously laugh.

"A-actually I live here..." His eyes widen.

"So you're one of those street humans?" I burst out laughing.

"That is one way of saying it." The brunette looks slightly embarrassed before his face contorts back into a concern look.

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