Chapter 6: New Place...

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Tommy's POV

Tommy woke up in... where exactly was he? Tommy looked around in what he thought was a bedroom. This was certainly not an alley. The room had red walls with white accents and a white ceiling.  The floor was dark oak with a red carpet. It had a dresser and what Tommy thinks is a bathroom and closet. There was a window and it seemed to have a lock on it. The door seemed it could only be locked from the outside. That wasn't the weirdest thing. The weirdest thing was the hanging pictures of Wilbur, Techno, and some other guy on the wall. The other guy had wings. They all had red eyes though which sent chills down Tommy's spine. He saw the doorknob move. Tommy quickly pretended to sleep

"Good morning Tommy~" I hear Wilbur say. Okay Tommy stay calm. You are just in a house full of bloodsuckers, "Dad made pancakes for us. It would be rude not to accept," Pancakes do sound nice... my stomach starts growling, "I'm onto you Tommy. You can stop pretending to sleep," I know Wilbur caught me. I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a smiling Wilbur towering above me. 

"G-good morning Wilbur."

"Good morning Tommy." Wilbur smiles. He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the bed. "Now c'mon Tommy, the pancakes are getting cold and dad really wants to talk to you." He must be referring to the guy in that picture with the wings. We go down the stairs and go in a big room with table and chairs. 

"This is fucking huge." I mumble. Wilbur chuckles.

"It is not that big." He must have heard me. I sit down where Wilbur wants me to. Wilbur sits right next to me and I start eating the pancakes. They could have been poisoned, but I was hungry.  They were actually pretty good. I could help but glance at Wilbur's pancakes. They have a red tint to them and he is eating them happily. Wilbur looks at me.

"Everything okay Tommy?" 

"U-uh ya I was just wondering why your pancakes looked different to mine." 

"Oh, they just have blood I put in them. It is so they are edible to us." The 'dad' guy says.

"Oh." That is fucking disgusting, but I guess them being vampires they need gross blood in their food. "Wait- Wilbur doesn't that mean you can't eat those waffles we got?" Wilbur nods.

"We just throw it up 30-60 minutes after we consume it." Wilbur adds.

"Ew." That must be why him and Techno went to the bathroom shortly after eating it.

"What is even more gross is your hands. You have syrup and pancake all over them!" Techno says.

"Techno! Don't treat your brother like that. Anyways, Tommy you will need to learn how to use silverware." The winged guy says. Brother? Fuck no.

"I am not his fucking brother and I am not in a family with you creeps!" The winged guy frowned. He got up from his chair and walked towards me. Shit this is my deathbed.

"Tommy. You are confused right now. Soon you will accept your new home." 

"I don't even know who the fuck you are!" This makes the winged man smile.

"I am Phil. Phil Watson. You can call me dad though." 

"Well 'Phil'." I mock. "I am going back to my alley."

"Tommy this is your new home." Wilbur chimes in. I roll my eyes.

"Well what if I don't want to live here?"

"Don't worry son, you will soon love it here." Phil says. I walk away. I can't stand these guys. 

I go to the bedroom (since it is the only place I can really go). I can't get out... not yet at least. How can I get out? I then look at the window lock. I could try and break that. That would take about a week considering that I have only my hands to break it with. There is nothing else I can really escape from since the front door is the worst idea. I sigh.

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