Chapter 35: Vampire Gala

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Tommy's POV

Tommy was in awe. He had never seen anything more extraordinary than this event. There were thousands of vampires here, all with some sort of jewelry. They all had masks which was fairly futile considering everybody had some sort of coven symbol. The room was something out of a movie... even though Tommy had barely watched movies. 

"Ah Phil, you made it!" I look up to see Kristin there, "Thank you so much for inviting me!"

"No problem Kristin. Want to dance?"

"I would love to."

Kristin and Phil leave us as Wilbur and Techno go their own ways. That just left me and Ranboo.

"Want to go find Tubbo?" He smiles.

I frown, "I don't think Tubbo is too happy with me right now..."

"Oh okay. Have fun Tommy! You can always join us if you want!"

"Yeah yeah."

Ranboo leaves and that just leaves me to sulk in this rich ass place. I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I look behind me to see Fundy in some formal attire and in a mask that resembles a fox.

"Hey Uncle Tommy!"

"Fundy! Thank the fuck you weren't a pretentious prick trying to kidnap me," I laugh at my description, "Oh sorry I didn't mean to describe your father."

Fundy laughs, "It's cool kid. Hey, do you want me to get you a drink? Non-alcoholic blood of course!"

"Sounds good. I think I am going to talk to my friends Tubbo and Ranboo while I wait."

Fundy nods as he walks away. I begin to head towards Ranboo which is fairly easy to find him considering he is over 6 feet. Just before I get there though I bump into somebody and fall to my ass.

"Hey what gives," I glare at the person. 

"I should be asking that! Do you know who I am!"

I roll my eyes as I stand up, brushing the dirt off my clothing, "Apparently some self-entitled prick with nothing better to do than arguing with a minor."

"I am the fucking Ruler of Vampires! I can fucking kill you or make you an outcast dickface!"

The room begins to quiet down a little from the noise of the yelling from this guy in a mask. Ranboo notices me and walks over to see the commotion.

Ranboo scoffs, "Is there a problem sir?"

"Yeah! This fledging is disrespecting me! The Ruler of Vampires!"

Ranboo raises his brow, "Oh really? Did you even check is coven symbol?"

"Why should it matter! Whatever coven he's in doesn't change the fact that he deserves to die!"

Tubbo comes over and smiles, "Oh really? Maybe you should look reallllllllllllly hard for is symbol and then scurry along."

The guy finally gets up and punches me in the nose. I clutch my nose, but he suddenly freezes up. You could see the fear in his eyes.

"I- uh-"

"Is there a problem?" Phil comes up with his wings spread out for intimidation.

"N-no nothing at-"

Ranboo smirks, "This guy is the Ruler of Vampires and Tommy bumped into him. He says that Tommy needs to die."

Phil looks at me and his eyes widen to my now bloody and probably broken nose.

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