Chapter 19: Plan in Motion

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Tommy's POV

"And that's why we need the candles. To add mood and effect." Wilbur explained as Tommy picked at his tomato soup. Of course, the tomato was mainly replaced by blood with the vampires' meals. He didn't mind though. Today was the night of the blood moon. The night I will be free.

"So Tommy, you should be asleep for about a week after the turning so your body can correct itself. Please get in the attire before the moon's peak. Ah! I am so excited. after this, you will be with us forever."

"Yeah! I am so happy! You are the best family I could ask for!" I exclaim.

Of course it's a lie. They don't know it though. They just get less restrictive as I spew out bullshit about how much I love it here. I just want to go back to my normal life and die normally. My mouth always laces itself with a bad taste whenever I talk highly about these murderous creatures. 

Phil hugs me as I finish my food, "I am happy we found you. My little changeling, now go upstairs and tidy yourself up." I nod as I run upstairs. 

I know they will leave me alone for these hours. I quickly enter in the room and see Dream.

"Hey Tommy!"

I smile, "Hey Dream."

"Here's a black hoodie with black sweatpants. I also have black sneakers that you can run with. Also, the hoodie has zippers on the pockets if you need to grab anything to leave with." I smile and grab the clothes out of his hands. 

I put on the outfit as I grab a half empty bottle of water and all the money I have stolen from them throughout the time I have been in the hellhole. Finally I'm ready right when Dream breaks the window lock.

"Okay here is a map. Get ready to fucking bolt. Don't turn back or stop. They will catch you. As long as you make it to sunrise you should be free."

"Thank you Dream." I smile as tears prick my eyes, "I would have been bounded to them forever if it wasn't for you."

I take out my earrings and throw them in the trash. I smile at my actions.

"Your welcome Tommy now go!" Dream chuckles.

I open the window and smile one last time before I jump out of it. My breath is taken out of me as I make impact with the ground.

I begin quickly sprinting to my freedom.

Dream's POV

"Thank you Dream. I would have been bounded to them forever if it wasn't for you." " Tommy smiles as he throws the SBI Coven jewels away.

"Your welcome Tommy now go!" I chuckle.

Tommy opens the window and jumps out. I smile. This kid doesn't deserve this shit.

Dream sat on Tommy's bed fiddling with his fingers.

"Tommy! Your turning is soon, and I was thinking passing the time by me play you some mus-" Wilbur froze as a smirk crept on Dream's face. "Dream why the fuck are you here. Where is Tommy? Why is the window open!" Wilbur panicked. Perfect. Dream was a little worried though. Tommy didn't even escape 10 minutes ago. Now time to stall for him. Tommy needed the head start.

"Easy. I am getting revenge." Dream snickered.

"TECHNO! PHIL! GET IN HERE!" Within seconds the two vampires arrived. Looking as panicked as Wilbur.

"Where is Tommy." Phil glared at Dream, shooting invisible daggers into the masked vampire's soul.

"Gone. He escaped." Dream said blankly.

"What the fuck do you mean by that." Techno snarled.

"Easy. He tricked you guys saying he wanted to be a vampire and you fuckers gave in so much to where he could escape. He despises you guys and now you can't turn him since the blood moon will be over by the time you can catch up to him."

"Why the fuck would you do this!" Techno screamed as he came closer to Dream.

"Easy. Rule 1: No attachments. You fuckers were attached to Tommy so like how you killed Drista, I killed your chances for your final coven member." Phil whispered something to Wilbur and they rushed out. Most likely to start chasing Tommy. Dream was pleased he could even stall them for this long.

"DREAM YOU FUCKER." Techno yelled as he punched Dream. Or tried to. Dream rippled at the touch, ruining his illusion.

"You're really stupid Techno. You really think I would sneak into your house? I'm not even really here bitch!" Then Dream disappeared without a trace.

Satisfied with what he has done.


Wow I made a chapter before New Years for me at least! I am back from a deserved break! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vampires should be getting a lot more updates in 2023 so It can be finished by May! Then I have more story surprises coming soon. Have a great day! 20 will be a chapter most of you have been waiting for :).

Word Count: 813

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