Chapter 39: Puffy's Friend

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Bad's POV

"Hey Bad! Dave gave us a call. He said something about a vampire being caught."

Bad looked confused at his friend, Skeppy, "That doesn't make any sense! Don't they usually hide or kill their victims?"

Skeppy shrugged, "Beats me. They might be wrong Bad. Don't get yourself up in a twist."

Bad had a slight sigh of relief as he whispered to Skeppy, "As long as it isn't Puffy and her family, we should be okay."

"See! The brightside!"

We hear beeping on the comms as a few guards rush to the site where Dave parked with his friend. My eyes widen as they take a kid that's obviously under 18 to one of the containment facilities. I know that he's a vampire with a key detail most humans miss. The red ender eye earrings. It's obviously that the boy was a vampire, one of Phil's too. 

"Ayyyyyy Bad! Look at our catch!" I look at Dave.

"Have you picked a scientist to test on him?"

Dave grins, "Since me and my guy Rodrick got him we get to choose! It's your lucky day Mr. Halo! I'm picking you and Skeppy for the job! Don't disappoint me."

"Wow thanks Dave... so when do we start?"

"When the beast wakes up. I'm not sure when though."

"I mean it looks like a kid."

"Keyword is looks Bad! We don't know if he is a teenager or hundreds of years old! Heck these things have been around since ancient times with those sketches of those exact earrings!"

"I guess you're right..."

"Come on Mr. Halo! If anybody can solve this mystery of this boy, it's you!"

"I guess you're right," I fake smile. At least I can control the experiments on him.

"I know you'll do your magic Mr. Halo!"

Tommy's POV

Tommy woke up in his new surroundings with a pounding headache. His eyes darted around the room, memorizing the new area. He tried to get up but realized he was chained by his right ankle so he couldn't move. Tears pricked his eyes as he didn't know what to do. Suddenly a door he didn't even know existed opened up to reveal a guy with brown hair and hazel eyes. His hazel eyes were surrounded by black rimmed glasses. 

"Hello! I am Mr. Darryl Halo. You can call me Bad though." He holds out his hand for me to shake.

My glowing red eyes glare at him, "Where the fuck am I! I will fucking kill you bitch!"

Bad winces at the cuss words, "Language. You are at a research facility. You came here last night when somebody caught you."

"Let me go then!" I hiss.

"I-I'm afraid we can't do that."

"Bullshit! I'm not some trophy! Just walk me out of this place!"

Bad sighs as suddenly his eyes change from a hazel to a red. I freeze in shock.


"Let me repeat myself," He says in more of a whisper, "I'm Bad. I am friends with Puffy from the Ram Coven. I know you are in the SBI by the earrings. I'm a vampire too and will help you get out of here if you go along with my plan."


Bad's eyes change back to 'normal', "Anyways! I have to take some blood! It won't take long! If you would like after this I can talk to you a little more?"

"I guess," I sigh as I hold out my arm. I feel a quick prick and it's over. 

"Now what's your name?"


Bad smiles. It seems genuine which makes me feel a little better.

"I think you and I will be great friends Tommy!" 


End of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!

Word Count: 593

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