Chapter 44: Alarm

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Dream's POV

Dream zoned out as Fundy talked about the plan to save Tommy. Dream gave them the map of the facility and they had been planning for a little over a week. Dream knew the plan inside and out at this point, and it just had been repetition of Fundy making sure it is perfect. Dream by any means didn't want this plan to fail, but he felt like a few days ago Tommy could have been broken out of the experimentation facility.  

"Dream!" Techno shouts.

I look up, "What?"

"Are you ready for this plan tonight?"

"I was born ready."

Tommy's POV

Tommy had more blood taken as Bad snuck some human blood for him to drink. They did supply him with blood, but it was gross animal blood. Animal blood could keep a vampire alive, but it was disgusting and made you unsatisfied. That was why Bad changed the containers to be human instead of animal. It was the small gestures that made Bad so great to Tommy. Tommy didn't even mind Skeppy because he actually treated him like a person instead of an object. Now that Tommy thought about it, the 'family' he had treated him more like an object than an equal like them. 

"So how has your day been?"

I know Bad is just trying to be nice considering how shitty it is to be chained up to wall with a muzzle on, "Eh. Yours?"

"Well Skeppy and I need to work till midnight tonight. I am more worried about him though. He has been tired lately."

I give a small smile, "Bad you are one of the nicest vampires I have ever met."

Bad grins, "Aw thank you!"

The doors open up to reveal Skeppy with deep bags under his eyes. His hair is a little messy as he gives a small smile to Bad.

"Hey Bad."

"Hey Skeppy! What's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I have a stack of paperwork for you to check and sign. I also came here to hang out during my break."

"Skeppy you should be in the office sleeping! You complained on the whole car ride here that you were tired and go no sleep!"

"But Bad-"

"No buts! I'm older! Now go."

Skeppy sighs out of defeat and leaves the room. 

"How old are you and Skeppy exactly?"

"Skeppy is 26. I'm 53,007 but I am just 30 here."

"Holy fuck you are older than Dream." I mutter.

Bad laughs at the comment and we continue to talk for a few more hours. Well that's what Bad told me at least. Bad and I chat about random things as a few people came in to talk to him.

Suddenly, the facility flashes red as the alarms blare with an ear-piercing screech. I try to cover my ears but my arms are chained. Bad's eyes widen as a metal wall with a keypad slams down where the door is.

The caller beeps as somebody screams, "A group of people have stormed the facility! This is not a drill!"

 I hyperventilate as I can only think of one thing.

They're here. 


End of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

Word Count: 515

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