Chapter 48: Fundy?

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Tommy's POV

Tommy woke up in a panic. He was back. He didn't want to be back. He observed the new clothes on his body was in disgust. He would have rather had the stupid hospital gown in the testing area, but instead he was wearing a black button-up with a red vest. AT least he didn't need to deal with his 'family'. If on cue, his door opened to reveal Phil. Phil was the worse out of the 3. Phil was holding a tray with tea and scones, both of them having blood in them of course. 

"Hey mate, good to see you up. You have been asleep for a week."

"Don't talk to me."

"We are happy you are back. We missed you."

Phil grabs some tea and takes a sip. I glare at the old geezer.

"Why did you even do it in the first place? None of this would have happened if you didn't give me one of those fucking blood highs," My wings puff out as I grab some tea.

"You needed discipline. I gave you it. Now take a sip. You must be thirsty."

I slam my teacup on the table, shattering it as the hot liquid and shard sink into my skin, "Bullshit! That's not discipline! That's fucking some form of fucked up abuse!"

"Don't raise your voice at me Tommy. I don't want to give you a worse punishment," Phil warns.

I get up from my bed and storm off, not without giving him the middle finger first. Phil yells in protest, but I ignore the old man. I head down the staircase to see my brothers and I sigh again. 

Wilbur hugs me, "You're awake!"

I sigh as I grab a coat, "Yeah yeah. I will be back."

Wilbur grabs my arm, "Where are you going?"

"I am just heading outside to clear my head. Can I not do that in peace?"

"Fine, but one hour. That's it." Techno warns.

I head outside to immediately see Fundy on the tree. He looks at me with a sad smile.

"You look blue."

"Yeah because I am back in this hellhole."

Fundy puts a hand on my shoulder, "It can't be that bad?"

"Fundy I want to leave so bad! Phil's a dick and they are so fucking possessive! They are punishing me for something they did!"

Fundy stays silent for a few moments, "They gave you the blood high?" I nod, "Holy fuck those assholes."

"Yeah! I don't want to go back, but no matter what they always find me."

For a few minutes it's just silence. I can feel Fundy is thinking of something, but I don't want to bother him.

"Let's go inside and I'll handle it."


"You heard me."

Fundy transforms into a snake and slithers down the tree. He turns back and walks to the house. My yells of protests are futile as he opens the door.

"Back so early Tommy- son? Why are you back?"

Fundy looks at me, "Tommy go pack your things. I will handle this."

I sneak upstairs and quickly go to my room.  I grab the sweatshirts and hoodies. I also grab one of the nice sets of clothes just in case along with a couple pairs of jeans. I head downstairs to the SBI screaming and even Wilbur crying.

"I'm packed-"

Tears stream down Wilbur's face, "Please Tommy! All we've done for you! You have to stay with us!"

"I don't have to do anything. I guess thanks for a roof over my head, but that's about it," I shrug and follow Fundy out the door.

I'm finally safe and free.

Wilbur's POV

Wilbur had light conversation with his older brother. Tommy had left and Wilbur was getting worried. Techno made sure to calm Wilbur's nerves. 

"Back so early Tommy-" I see Fundy, "son? Why are you back?"

Fundy looks at Tommy, "Tommy go pack your things. I will handle this."

Tommy heads upstairs as I look at Fundy, "What the fuck? What's going on Fundy."

"You crazy assholes have treated him like shit. I'm giving him a better home."

"Fundy, I know we had a falling out, but this doesn't mean you can ruin our family-"

"He doesn't think of you as a family. When will you finally understand that. You guys have messed up your chance of him ever thinking of you guys as family." 

Tears spring in my eyes as Techno begins to speak up, "Fundy," Techno sighs, "I trust you will take good care of him if he goes with you?"

"Of course Uncle Techno."

"What! Techno tell him he can't take him!" I scream.

"Wilbur, we can't do anything. Plus, Phil hasn't been the nicest to him. This will be good for all of us. It isn't like he is going to die."

"What the fuck Techno! He's our brother! Only a fledgling!"

"I trust Fundy to raise Tommy into a good vampire. He learned from us after all."

Tommy arrives back downstairs, "I'm packed-"

Tears stream down my face, "Please Tommy! All we've done for you! You have to stay with us!"

"I don't have to do anything. I guess thanks for a roof over my head, but that's about it," Tommy shrugs and follows Fundy out the door.

"Techno what have you done!" I yell.

Techno looks me up and down, "Jesus Christ you are fucking pathetic."


"Wilbur, Tommy will come back.

He just doesn't know it yet."


End of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Have a great day! 


Word Count: 876

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