Chapter 29: First Hunt

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Tommy's POV

"This will be so much fun!" Wilbur cooed as he blabbered Tommy's ear off.

"I say we go into that village from over yonder. The humans all have a sweet scent to them," Techno suggests.

Phil nods, "That will be a great place for Tommy to hunt."

We arrive, the village is pitch black other than the occasional street light. It's unsettlingly quiet. 

Techno smirks, "Wilbur you help Tommy as Phil and I go get blood."

Wilbur sighs, "Fine."

"Why do I have to be with that dickface?" I scoff.

"Because when Wilbur wanted to keep you, he said that he would take you out and teach you how to hunt." 

"Come on Tommy," Wilbur begins to drag me along into a nice pastel green house.

We sneak in and head to a guy on a couch. 

"Okay you BISK."

I raise my brow, "What?"

"Bite, Inject venom, Suck the blood, Kill the target."

"Wilbur that is the stupidest think I have ever hear."

"Well I will show you that it is efficient!"

Wilbur uses the BISK Strat and kills the guy on the couch. I sigh but agree to do it on the next person, which is an old lady in her rocking chair. I bite her neck as she starts to scream. I inject the substance into her neck as she passes out from shock. I suck up all her blood as I am shocked on how much better this is compared to Phil's blood. She's sadly dead which means I am officially a murder. In the end, I went to 10 houses and Wilbur went to 15 before the whole coven wiped out the village.

We regroup and Wilbur, Techno, and Phil all have bags of blood.

"Where are your bags?" Phil asks.

"What bags? I didn't know we kept bags during these."

Techno pinches the bridge of his nose, "Tommy. How many people have you killed."


"For fuck's sake! Wilbur you didn't tell him!" Techno scolds.

"I forgot!"

Phil glares at Wilbur, "Tommy could have gotten a blood high! You are so fucking lucky right now! I will punish you accordingly after we get home."

Wilbur yells in protest but Phil quickly shuts him off. I can't help but feel a little bad for him. I feel so fucking energized and run circles around the group as we walk back home.

I was all jittery as I went to bed that night.

 I also couldn't help but hear the hisses of pain that rang throughout the mansion that night.

Wilbur's POV

Tommy and Wilbur parted to get more ground as they went to drink and collect blood. It was nice to have to cover less properties. They all regroup and were worried when they saw Tommy had no bags of blood.

"Where are your bags?" Phil asks Tommy. I went paler than usual as I remember:

I never told Tommy about the bags of blood.

"What bags? I didn't know we kept bags during these."

Techno pinches the bridge of his nose, "Tommy. How many people have you killed."


"For fuck's sake! Wilbur you didn't tell him!" Techno scolds.

"I forgot!" I yell in defense.

Phil glares at me, "Tommy could have gotten a blood high! You are so fucking lucky right now! I will punish you accordingly after we get home."


"No buts."

The walk home feels like a walk of shame. I could have fucking made Tommy go feral! Now Tommy is all jittery and energized.

When we arrived home, Tommy and Techno head to bed which leaves me with the fucking old man.

"I am sorry Dad."

Dad glares at me as he gets a special dagger. He jabs it in my arm as I hiss out in pain. I collapse on the floor and Phil walks around me.

"Ooooooo. That will leave a scar. Such a shame. Tsk. It does one good thing though," Phil grabs my hair and forces me to make eye contact with him,

"It teaches you to remember shit now."


End of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Have a great day and make sure to join my Discord server for more leaks on this story and others! (Link on my profile)

Word Count: 668

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