Chapter 2: New Friend

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Tommy's POV

Tommy jolted awake in his sleep, breathing heavily. He kept having flashbacks about the night before... but that can't be right though. Vampires aren't real. As the doubts hit is mind, he feels something prick his hand. The yellow earring. It was real. Holy FUCK vampires are real. Does that mean that teenagers are actually getting taken by vampires? Fuck now he seemed like a crazy person. Tommy looked at the earring again and examined it since he could see it better. He couldn't get a good look at it before since it was dark even with the moonlight when he found it. It was a yellow dangling earring in the shape of an eye? Kind of like one of those ender eyes you would see in fairytales and myths. Then he flipped it over to reveal the back of the earring. It had carvings on it that said 'SBI WSW'.

 "What the fuck?" I say aloud, "What the hell does this fucking mean?" 

 I shove the earring in the pants pocket that did have a big hole in it to where I would lose it. I head off and wander through town to see if there is something easy to steal.

"Hey Tommy!" I look over to see that guy again. He is in a black hoodie and beanie with black jeans. He honestly looks like he is about to rob a house.



"Oh- Hello Wilbur."

"What are you doing out here?"

"Looking for food to steal."

"Oh I can buy you some breakfast if you would like." Breakfast? And he is buying!

"YES!" I say loudly which makes locals begin to stare at me. Wilbur just laughs. Wilbur is such a rich person's name. I secretly like it though.

"Well then, let's go Tommy."  

We go down to a diner to order breakfast. We look at the menu and we order waffles. I use my hands and eat all three waffles. Apparently this is considered rude because everybody is looking at me with disgust. I can care less though because this is the best thing I have eaten in a while. My eyes glance over at Wilbur though and he only ate half a waffle. And he is just staring at me with a big smile.

"Uhhhh Wilbur?" His eyes widen and he immediately stops staring.

"Yes Tommy?"

"Are you going to eat that?" I ask, pointing at the waffles. He embarrassingly shakes his head no, "Can I eat them?" 

He smiles, "Of course. I am just going to use the restroom."

"Ok!" I say as I steal his plate. I finish eating all of his waffles and realize that Wilbur isn't back yet. Did he leave me? I don't have the fucking money to pay for this if he did. My worries are over though because he comes back shortly after.

"Jeez you were in there a while." 

He freezes, "Oh-uh I just was having some issues." 

"Ew. Gross."

"I-well you ask!" The waiter comes and gives us our bill. Wilbur pays for it thankfully. We then left the place.



"Thank you for the food." He chuckles.

"No problem Tommy." Oh wait the earring.

"Oh!" I take the earring out of my pocket. "Is this yours? I found it." Wilbur gives me a big grin.

"Yes! Thank you so much for finding that for me! I thought I lost it for good!" He smiles again before hugging me. The hug isn't awkward though. It is warm. It feels safe. It feels so wrong, but also so right. 

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