Chapter 36: Processing

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Tommy's POV

Tommy's breath staggered. He didn't realize that Phil fucking was considered a god to these vampires! Wherever he went he would most likely get caught! He would never be free. He had to fucking face it! Tears sprung in his eyes as he ran out of the event hall. He heard yells for him to come back, but he ignored them. It wasn't like he would be missing. Phil had eyes everywhere. He decided to go to a pond. He cringed at his reflection in the water. His red eyes and fangs were prominent in the reflection. A few months ago he was eating bread to get by and now he was a pretentious fucker sipping blood at a fucking gala. Tommy didn't know if he could go back. Tommy didn't know if he wanted to go back. Life was harder, but simpler in the alleyway, but here... with his 'family'... it was easier, but more complex. Tommy barely knew what a fork was before and now he sometimes used multiple forks for different types of food. Nobody knew who came up with it, but it was bullshit. 

I grab a stone and skip it across the water. I sniffle as more tears drip off my face.

"Tommy? Oh, there you are! We thought we lost you!" Phil smiles as he examines me to see if I am hurt. I still have my broken nose, but he will probably find a way to fix it. He always does.

"I'm sorry," I don't even know why I said it. Maybe to get out more trouble?

"It's fine Tommy. What's wrong?"

"I realized how good I have it with you. Thank you Phil."

Phil genuinely smiles, "You're welcome Tommy. I am glad you are my son."

We hug each other and he sits with me. The peace and quiet of us is nice... until it's ruined by one buffoon and Techno.

"Oh, you found him already Phil?"

Phil nods, "I knew my son wouldn't be too far."

"OH HEYYYYYYYY TIMMY!" Wilbur yells.

I laugh. He's obviously drunk.

Phil glares at Wilbur, "How much have you had to drink!"

"Not muchhhh 10 cups. I matched what boar bitch haddd."

Phil looks at Techno, "Really?"

"Not my fault he's a pussy and has a low tolerance."

"Techno he still shouldn't have that much!"

Techno rolls his eyes, "He is fine..."


"Never mind. He is now in the pond."

"HAHAHAHAHA Blub Do you think Sally is in here?" Wilbur says as he might drown.

Phil glares, "Techno! Get him out of there!"

Techno takes off his clothes until he is left with his pants. He jumps in the water and swims to Wilbur. He drags Wilbur out of the water as Wilbur swears up a storm and flails in the water.

Phil facepalms as he watches me laugh. This feels like an actual family though.

I like it.

Phil's POV

Phil sipped his drink as he was discussing things with Kristin. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Tubbo with a worried look on his face.

"Hey Tubbo everything-" 

"Tommy ran out of the building. I don't know where he went."

I drop my glass and it shatters on the ground. 

Techno glances over and comes to see why I am making a scene.

"Everything alright Phil?"

I shake my head, "You get Wilbur. We need to go find Tommy. He ran off again."

Techno sighs, "But Wilbur is drunk-"

"No buts! Plus, he can't be that bad!"

Techno scoffs as he walks away. I rush out of the building. I pray that he is still close by, but I am contemplating shackling him to his bed if he isn't. I finally find him after my crows alert me where he is. I see him sulking as he skips stones. See! He didn't run away. I knew he wouldn't.

"Tommy? Oh, there you are! We thought we lost you!" I smile as I examine him. I swear if one thing hurt him, I will kill it and anything close to it. Thankfully only his nose is broken. I will get that fixed soon. Maybe I will call Niki about it.

"I'm sorry." 

"It's fine Tommy. What's wrong?"

"I realized how good I have it with you. Thank you Phil."

"You're welcome Tommy. I am glad you are my son." 

I finally have him where I want him.


This is the end of the chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

Word Count: 718

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