Chapter Twenty Seven

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The kisses of that man lingered on my lips until morning, I had to stay longer in the hotel for a business meeting about Arsdale Pharmaceutics, although my mind is elsewhere, I focused on my business.

I tried so hard to remember that guy but no avail so I just gave up.

"You're in Paris already?" I asked Yasmin when she called.

["No, not yet, but what did I hear from Jeya?! You were seen outside your room with some guy?!"]

"Relax, nothing happened between us, he left after he aroused me"

["So, you were planning to get laid with a stranger?!"]

"Yas, calm down, nothing happened, the guy didn't want to hook up with me, he was just being polite and kind enough not to take advantage of my drunkness"

["I can't believe you got drunk!"]

"Something must've been put in my drinks or I had too many drinks already, either of the two"

She sighed deeply, I heard the airport announcement.

"Take care! My godchild when you come back, okay?! Okay, okay, bye!"

I hung up and sighed.

The meeting went on after adjourning the meeting and closing the deal, I went back to my hotel room to pack up.

It was an investment and we talked about profit and so on.

I heard a knock from the door, I stopped packing my clothes and went there, it was room service.


"Souvenirs from the hotel management, Ma'am"

There were several things there, there was even a bouquet of white roses.

"Thank you"

Chocolates, a stuffed animal, brochure of the hotel, the bouquet and an expensive perfume.

These are some serious souvenirs, I packed them with my things, I checked the hotel room for the last time if I left something before complete leaving.

My driver was already waiting at the lobby, we head out.

I called my secretary for my schedule for tomorrow.

I had phone calls on the way to our house, I had the house renovated, Aunt visits me at times, Mr. Velasquez goes there, too, but he does not insist to stay for long which I prefer, he was persistent all those six years that had passed.

I did all the usual the next day, wake up, gym, meditate, shower, work all day.

That was mostly my routine for the past years after mom died.

"We are not releasing those rejects, I know its a lot of money waste but that can ruin Tanja completely, so no, we can release those good ones instead"

"Limited edition?" A board member asked.

"For this season it will be limited edition, but I'll be able to replicate the formula within this month, we can release it when the market and demand for it is high"

"People will be asking why it will limited edition and then we'll release new batch but same formulation once sold out"

"If not limited edition, we'll make it as sample, and if the market likes it we'll make more of those formula, that's why we are discussing it here right now, we'll cast votes if it will be samples or limited edition"

"I think the sample production would be a valid reson for us so they won't be able to fish out information that there are rejects"

Everyone nodded at each other.

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