Chapter Two

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I was alone on orientation day, still wearing simple tee shirt and jeans with sneakers on, my long hair was in a bun.

That guy was watching me like a hawk, he's far but is watching me, I didn't mind him, and listened to the orientation, the lockers were assigned and we can tour ourselves for that day.

Nobody was really talking to me, all of them had theur friend groups already, I don't mind being alone, though, I'm used to it, my school days from elementary to senior high was like that so I don't really mind.

I had my ID picture taken, after that, I went to explore the school grounds on my own.

Nobody dared to get in trouble for the first day, I received my schedule when I enrolled, so I decided to check out the rooms I'll be going.

It wasn't that far from each other, the laboratories were separated from our lecture rooms but it wasn't far, so are the lockers.

Nobody really dared to talk to me or befriend me, I don't mind.

I explored on my own, I don't look lost, I was just fine, but when I saw Crystal, I decided to turn back, nope, not today.

Her father denied my mother, he denied me, that I wasn't his despite the paternity test, it broke my heart but I got numb from the way he treated us so I convinced my mom to just let him be, if he doesn't want me, then, I don't want him either.

My mom and I lived a simple life, middle class, we could afford state universities but my mom saw my charts then, so she is pushing through Heinrich Academy.

It is a great school, great teachings and programs, everything was well prepared, studied and complete.

It is one of the leading colleges in the world, I only dreamt of it, I was okay if I only got in to state universities, but since I'm here, I'll make sure I'll graduate and be successful.

I sat on a bench to eat lunch when a football hit my head.

My world spun at that, I even heard laughing.

"Welcome to Heinrich, ugly bitch!"

I closed my eyes tight and felt the pain in my head, my glasses even fall off, which I was able to find quickly.

It was the boys who perverted me in the bookstore, they were laughing, too, I sighed and shook my head as if it will ease the pain.

My head and sight was still spinning, it hurts like hell, I picked up the football and throw it back hard to them, the guy who perverted me almost got it on his face if he didn't dodge it.

"You whore!"

He was going to approach me but his friends stopped him to.

"Come on, man, that's still a girl" a guy said.

"Tsk, that's a girl? She looks more manky than us"

"Enough bullying, Damian"

"Tss, whatever, Josh"

My head was really hurting, I lost my appetite on eating lunch and all I can feel is dizziness.

Oh please, stop, no one cares if I fall here and get unconcious.

Something was dripping on my nose, the football hit the back of my head, I wiped my nose and saw blood on my hand, this is some serious bullying.

I stood up quickly and ran towards a girls bathroom, even if I'm dizzy.

"Hey, watch it!"


I washed my hand and tried to wipe off the blood on my nose, it keeps gushing out!

It took about thirthy minutes before it finally stopped, all of it, even my dizziness.

It was hell for me.

He was older than me, he came from a powerful family, too, I can't do anything about it.

"Are you alright, darling?" Mom asked.

"Mm-hmm, I just tripped on something"

"Your glasses"

"Its fine, mom, I'll just have it repaired"

"Its Saturday tomorrow"

I was half way through the first year, my grades for the first semester were all 1, the Dean was proud, that is.

"I have a class tomorrow, too, its just half day so, I'll go to the optometrist after"

"Have the lens changed, too, your grade have gone higher"

I nodded obediently at my mother and continued to study.

"Don't stay up too late, darling"

"Yes mom"

My classes for tomorrow was laboratory, lecture and quiz plus recitation, I had no choice but pull an all nighter, although I still slept for a few hours and then woke up very early get ready.

I was too occupied in my studies so I don't have time for anything else, and being so studious helped me to gain more haters.

Heinrich's senior high school valedictorian, hated me the most, she came second to me, and that is my sister, Crystal is taking Business Ad, currenrly on her third year and I was higher than her.

My average was flat one, I was top on chem and top all over the academy, the students despise because of that, so I didn't really push through of having friends.

"What the hell are you doing?" Crystal angrily said after the Dean's listing was posted.


I was currently doing my assignment for my next period.

"Why the hell do you even need to be on our school? You can't afford it here! So why don't you just enter a cheap university!"

I don't really know why she is like this to me, I'm not doing anything to her.

I didn't answer her and just tidy up.

"I'm not done talking to you!"

She pulled my hair, we were in the library for Pete's sake!

"Crystal, let go!" her friend said.

"Damn it, Crystal!" her another friend, too.

"Leave our school!" she spat angrily.


That baritone voice made her stopped.

"Josh, I was only trying to talk to her peacefully but she..."

I ran away before she could complete her lies to whoever that was.

My tears pooled in my eyes as I ran away with my book and things.

I didn't do anything wrong, why is it like this?

I wiped my tears and stopped running when I felt tried, I found myself at the school auditorium, no one was there, I sat on one of the seats and wiped my tears, this is tiring.

"Are you alright?"

I glance at who talk, it was a guy, I looked away and nodded, I wiped my tears and readied myself to go.

"I'm sorry about Crystal, she just doesn't like the idea of someone else better than her"

I nodded and fixed myself.

"I'm used to it"

"You know each other?"

"I don't think I'm allowed to say it, excuse me"

I left the guy and went to our laboratory, it was my first year and it already feels like hell, I have no idea how worse my next years will be.


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