Chapter Ten

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My heart was still pounding when I stepped out his pick up, his mom's eyes went to me which made me nervous more.

She was smiling when she saw me, I approach them.

"Finally, you made a friend, Sapphire" Dean said.

I smiled sheepishly at her while she was smiling widely, she looked at his son.

"So, she's the girl" his mom meaningfully said.

"Mom" Josh said, almost defensively.

His mom laughed, and I think my face turned scarlet for a while.

"Here are the keys, don't do anything stupid to her, Josh, I'm warning you, I'll expell you from here" his mom said.

"I'm not like that, mom"

She nodded strictly at her son, ahen she turned to me, she soften and smiled.

"If he does anything to you, ring the fire alarm, okay?"

"Y-Yes Dean"

"Good, I'll leave you two now" she said and left us.

We went inside the chem building and went straight to the laboratory, I wore my lab coat and let him wear the spare ones we have.

I took what I need from the shelves and started.

I was wearing a mask so it won't contaminated with any bacteria I might have.

Josh was quiet and he was really paying attention to what I was doing.

It didn't take long, I only prepared the samples, the one I'd be passing I'll make them some other time.

"Just six of them?" Josh finally spoke.

"Yeah, I'll just make the ones I'll pass some other time, they might expire or something"

He nodded, since he was the one going to try them, I tried to copy the color of his lips, my goal my was for it to look as natural as possible.

"So this one with the lip brush is a matte finish, this should look natural on your lips, this roll on has glossy finish, and this twister will be like lip balms, glossy but unlike the roll on"

"Its the same shade as my lips"

"That what was I aiming, for it to look natural, and once applied to your lips, I want it to look natural, healthy and moisturize, apply it twice a day, morning and before sleeping, I'd recommend the matte finish so it won't be all over your sheets, and then I am going to make a report about it, you have to tell me how it feels when its on your lips, how it helps your skin or even a bad review, I need honest feedbacks from it, okay?"

"Yup got it"

I gave him the samples.

"I think we should have a name for this"

"Let's not yet, I need feedbacks by the end of the week, so I can revise or recreate another formula, okay?"

"Yes Ma'am"

I nodded and cleaned up what I messed, he helped me do it, there was left over so I applied it on my lips to test it out.

"I just hope these will work, if not, goodbye scholarship"

"I'm sure it will, you're brilliant and very passionate with all of these"

I nodded, convince now.

After cleaning up, I checked the laboratory and we both left.

"I have to return the keys to mom, let's go there first before we head to the cinema"


"Sorry, I bought tickets a while ago when you were busy with the balms"

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