Chapter Eight

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Why is he here again?

"Mr. Velasquez" I said.

"Josh" he said.

"Good evening, Uncle"

"You know each other?" Mr. Velasquez asked.

"Yes, she's my... friend"

Mr. Velasquez looks at me accusingly, I withdrew my gaze.

"Arturo, just leave my daughter alone, she's not doing anything wrong with you and your family"

"You should go, Josh, thank you" I told Josh.

"Uhm, will you be alright?"

I saw my mom's eyes lingered at Josh behind me.

"Yeah, we'll be fine, Josh"

I assured him.

"A-Alright, have a good night, I'll leave now, Uncle, Ma'am" he said politely.

I nodded without looking at him, I entered our house, I kissed my mom's cheek.


"I haven't done anything wrong, Sir"

"Haven't I told you to--"

"And I also told you, I'm not leaving Heinrich, why is it such a big deal to you? I don't even talk to your daughter, and believe me, I also want not to be involve with any of your family"

"You're with her boyfriend, Sapphire"

"Tell that to Josh, please, just leave our house, we haven't done anything to you, just leave us alone, Mr. Velasquez"

He left after that, my mom held my shoulders.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Oh, don't he try" mom said.

I smiled.

"Have you eaten dinner?" she asked.

"Mm-hmm, how about you, mom?"

"Yes, I cooked your favorite, though"

"I think I might just eat again"

Mom laughed.

"You should rest, mom, I'll be fine here, hmm? You need to rest"

"Alright, darling, good night, rest after you eat"

I nodded obediently, she kissed my cheek and left me in the kitchen, it was pomodoro pasta, yup, my favorite, I ate there while thinking about what to do for tomorrow.

I was washing the dishes when my phone ringed, I took it from the counter top, it was Josh, calling!

I wiped my hand and sighed before answering his call.


["Hey, are you alright? Your mom? Did he hurt any of you?"]

"No, we're both fine, mom and I"

["Did he stay long?"]

"Not really, he just kept telling me to leave Heinrich and not be involve with any of you"

["Even me?"]

I sighed.

"Yeah, you are Crystal's boyfriend after all, so..." I trailed off.

["What? Who told you that? I don't even know that, Crystal isn't my girlfriend"]

"Just heard about it"

["Well, you shouldn't believe that, I don't like Crystal that way, she's not my girlfriend, and I don't have a girlfriend"]

"Okay, got it"

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