Chapter 31

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Ezra's POV:

"Wait." Aurora held my hand, with a weak voice.

i observed a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"You were crying?" I raised my hand to her cheeks to wipe away a tear that had made its way down, she shook her hand as a no.

"What happened? Did that fucker do anything to you?"

"No." she whispered.

"Then what is it?"


I put my hand on her waist and gently reached out and pulled her closer, drawing her into a warm embrace. Our bodies came closer, i held her with gentle strength.

I am angry, but i can't stay mad. Not when i see her like this.

Our proximity allowed me to look deep into her eyes, creating an intimate connection that transcended words. In that shared gaze, we were able to communicate a multitude of emotions, unspoken understanding, and a profound sense of empathy.

As my eyes met hers, i saw the rawness of her emotions reflected in their depths. Without judgment or hesitation, i met her gaze with unwavering compassion, assuring her that i was there for her.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as we shared a silent exchange of understanding. Our connection transcended the noise and distractions of the event, creating a space where we could be fully present with each other. Through our locked gaze, we found solace, validation, and a sense of belonging.

"I don't know what hapenned back there.." Aurora whispered to me, with guilt in her voice.

but why?

i didn't want to push her to talk, so i just decided to be quiet and look at her eyes.

"I'm sorry." she continued.

"For what, hmm?"

"For that.."

i sighed.

"Ezra.. I...- you- Do you hate me?" 

When she looked at me affectionately, her eyes softened, and a warm, gentle look rested on me. Her pupils dilated, indicating a strange innocent look.

"No. but i am mad." I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You are-?"

"I saw someone else touching what is mine, what is the most precious thing, and what I am forbidden from touching or even thinking about, because, I would not be able to stop." i sighed.

I felt a tremor running through her body due to our proximity, and her breathing became heavier.

"I'm mad at you because being around you drives me nuts and not being around you drives me nuts, aún más (even more)."

I moved down to her neck, smelling her perfume that my lust for had overcome me and taken control of me. This perfume.. This smell. It makes me addicted.

My hand was still on her waist, pulling her closer to me.

I felt her body relax, indicating that she was numb to my touches. Good girl..

She's a natural submissive and she doesn't have a clue.

"Ezra." Her hands rose to slowly touch my jaw whispering. "That was nothing."

"Hmm?" I hummed quietly.

I know how it drives her crazy, it's my turn now, little girl.

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