Chapter 28

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Aurora's POV:


it's been a week since Ezra and i spoke.

and, I'm good. I am, really. why wouldn't i be? it doen't matter if we don't talk, or even if he get himself a girlfriend.

i mean, it's already 2am. And he's not home yet. Maybe he's at her house, having fun or whatever the hell they're doing.

It doesn't matter. Not that I care.

i don't know why I'm even still awake. I just kept waiting for him to come back home, to at least know he's okay. He's a part of our family and it's normal right

I heard slow footsteps, that must be him

a grow run to my ears..

what was that?

I carried myself out of bed and opened my door.  

What the fuck?

Writer' POV:


It hurts, Ezra toughts. Fuck, it hurts. 

The fingers of his left hand were the first to feel it, then his palm and wrist, all within a second. If you've never been shot before, like your entire body beeing shot, you can't imagine the pain. He's used to it but not like that

And his fingers, where millions of tactile nerves were capable of sending panicked messages to his brain, felt as if they had simply exploded and were replaced by a howling howl.

The bleedy man raised his hand back and felt his focus waver. he gritted his teeth and somehow managed to muster up the strength to extend his hand again, hardening his will. He backed half a step, his mind almost sinking into pain, desperately trying to keep his eyes open.

He saw Aurora coming out of her room,

No, fuck... he murmered under his breath.

his eyes run to meet hers, her eyes grew wide with surprise as she froze, the irises expanding like saucers. They seemed to devour the scene before her, capturing every detail in a state of shock. Meanwhile, her pupils dilated, betraying the surge of adrenaline that coursed through her veins, unblinking and wide open she stepped closer to him.

"Ezra..."  Her eyes trembled with surprise as she grabbed my hand.


"Hey.." He smiled as he moved, droplets of blood splattered the ground, creating a morbid mosaic upon the pavement. The sight of his own life-force escaping from his body sent shivers down his spine, and the dizziness threatened to consume him.

His eyes were a dark, smoky grey, like the clouds before a storm. They were hooded and inscrutable, drawing her in with their promise of secrets.

"What happened? Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine amor, go back to sleep." 

oh he called her  that again..

"No, you're bleedi-"

"It doen't matter, go back to slee-"

"Just shut up." Aurora scoffed pulling him to his room then close the door.

He at on his bed as she knelt beside the wounded man, again, just like the last time. She started to heal his bleeding arm and chest.her steady hands reaching for a clean cloth to apply pressure to his profusely bleeding wound. Her eyes, filled with determination and compassion, focused intently on the task at hand.

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