Chapter 9

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Aurora's POV:

"so i kinda did something." i looked nervously as i pushed Thomas to the kitchen.

"cmon, baby. tell me." he smirked waiting for me.

"First, what the hell is Melissa doing here?"

"I know, I know. She was with me and John and we couldn't leave her alone. I'm so sorry, baby." he softly said.

"Fine. Anyway..i told Ezra that you're my boyfriend." i spit it out in one breath.

"oh wow, smart of you." Thom pulled me closer to him.

"i know, i know, and he'll be with us tonight so just act like my boyfriend. will you?" i begged him.

"a boyfriend is allowed to do this right?"

he lay down and placed his head on my neck and filled me with kisses.

i can't help but giggled. until Millie's voice interrupted us.

"oh wow, lovely couple aren't you?" she gave me a weird look mouthing (what's happening)

we went to the living room where we all sat chatting and laughing.

"you know he didn't remove his eyes off you right?" Millie whispered to me.

"what? who?"

"the hot Spanish guy over there." she smirked.

"to hell with that" i looked at Ezra.

"wait, can you first explain why you invited us when you could've been alone with that hot body, i mean look at him." she smiled wildly.

it's true, he was hot even when he's not doing anything.

he was sitting on the sofa scrolling his phone, and i swear i can see his abs through that white shirt he's wearing. his hair was darker that the night and i turned my eyes to those soft lips that i still remember their taste and looked at his hands.

just look at that hand full of veins. and that tattooed arm, how come i never seen them before? fuck, i want to touch those hands.

i smiled childly.

Millie's voice returned me to reality and i realised that Ezra caught me looking at him so i quickly turned my eyes. he smirked as if he knew what I was thinking of.

for god's sake Aurora. Focus.

i turned my eyes to John who spoke suddenly.

"Alright, Enough talking, come on, Millie, grab that bottle and let's play truth or dare."

"Cmon Ezra, won't u play with us?" Millie smiled at him.

he scoffed with a *no* moving his eyes back to me.

why does he keep staring. damn.

i smiled to him mouthing (don't be mean and get your ass here now) with a smile so no one see me.

he muttered something under his breath finally sitting right Infront of me.

we turned the bottle and started the game.

"Thomas, truth or dare." Millie smirked looking to both of me and Thomas.

"Truth." he smirked back to her.

She stopped for a moment then continued.

"Hmm, Who was your best sexual partner and why?"

Thomas's gaze turned to face me so did Ezra.

"Aurora is my greatest one. She makes my sexual fantasies come true. And she's damn so good at kissing." he grinned pulling me closer to him as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled lightly and slowly looked at Ezra.

He was gritting his teeth. I felt him breathing slowly when our eyes met for a moment,

as if he was asking me to calm him down. As if I was the only thing capable of that. Or maybe I'm just delusional.

He laid his head back and touched his hair with his hand, pulling it back. Giving Thomas a deadly look.

and what the hell is that now?

we rolled the bottle again, this time was Melissa and me.

"Aurora, truth or dare."


"How come you've never slept with this hot body." she ran her fingers on Ezra's chest as he gave her a cold look.

you fucking bitch.

"Meliss-" Thomas spoke as she interrupted him.

"Oh, right. Of course, you're with Thomas." she smirked putting his hand on Ezra's.

get your hand back, you bitch.

"Jeez Melissa, not all of us are whores like you." i put on a big smile.

I watched Ezra smiling slightly removing her hand as she scoffed. Millie and John smiled to me proudly. and Thomas kissed my cheek laughing.

The bottle stopped in front of Melissa and Ezra. He raised his eyebrows, took a deep breath then looked at her.

"Truth or dare Ezra."

"Dare." he spoke coldly.

i love when he doesn't pay attention to her.

"Well, I dare you to kiss me."

what? did she actually asked him to do that? this bitch.

Ezra took a sip of his glass slowly.

He looked at me as i gave him a "whatlook.

And suddenly Melissa interrupted the moment and lay down on him kissing him.

This is cheating, she is the one who kissed him, not him.

I rolled my eyes and drank my glass in one sip and looked at them again.

Ezra grabbed her roughly and put her aside, away from him. She wiped her mouth and smiled fakely at me mouthing (tasty).

We continued to play and after several hours each of them returned to his home.

I didn't want to be alone with Ezra, so I went to the kitchen to return the glasses. I was about to text Millie when i saw Ezra laying on the door.

"So, you and Thomas, huh?" he smiled.

"Haha, what? you don't like him?" i scoffed.

"Do you?"

"Well he's sweet-"

"No, don't do that." he stopped me.

"Do what?"

"Act like that."

"I like him." i confessed. do i really like him?
"But anyway, what about You and Melissa, you seemed to be close too."

what the hell Aurora? you seemed to be close?

he slowly walked towards me, surrounded me with his hands and looked me in the eyes.

"It wasn't a real kiss." He gently pushes the hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ears and then he nods.


"Our lips just touched. I didn't let it in my mouth."

"Why you-"

"I only want yours, amor." he's eyes went down my lips as i bite them."Don't do that, you don't know how you affect me when you bite your lips , amor." he whispered touching them with his fingers then slowly pulling away.

fuck me.

i don't know what I'm doing anymore.

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