Chapter 7

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Aurora's POV:

Millie and I went to the class and took our places.

Strange, where's Thomas? I bet he's still sleeping.

Physics class started and all I could think about was tonight's dinner with Ezra.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to have that dinner or it's just him that makes me feel like that.

I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes for a moment when I heard the end of class bell. I felt two hands around me from behind, so I turned around and saw Thomas smiling at me.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Sorry babe, but you know I'm not a big fan of physics class, especially when Miss Julia teaches it." he laughed after kissing my cheek.

I giggled lightly and slowly closed my eyes again.

"Are you sleepy ? Well, I'm sure I can wake you up." Thomas spoke softly, reducing the distance between us.

I opened my eyes and that's when I realized how close we were in that moment. He lowered his eyes to my lips just like I did.

For the first time I noticed how tempting he was. He slowly approached me more and more until we were only a few inches apart.

His hot breath caressed my bare neck until I found myself kissing him passionately. his tongue caressed me, and sometimes I was sucking his lower lip. He took me and surrounded me in his arms that kept caressing my face.

We never separated the kiss.

It was like it would last forever.

I wrapped his arms around his neck and he kissed my entire neck and sucked it in when I let out a moan of pleasure.

"Thomas...." I moaned in a low voice while his hands caressed my thighs.

Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together.  I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat.

"Miss Aurora Thorne. Mr Thomas Rain. To my office right now." I heard Principal Jean's angry voice.

"Oops, I think we're in trouble." I spoke while panting hard.

"Yeah we are.." He kept pulling me closer.

I applied my lips to him for the last time and touched his penis, which was about to penetrate his pants due to the intensity of his erection.

"I think you need to solve this problem first." I grinned.

"Fuck." He tilted his head back, letting me pet him slowly.

"Too bad we are in school." I spoke as he moaned loudly with pleasure.

We both headed to the principal's office, who sat us across from her.

"Miss Aurora, I spoke to your brother and he is on his way here. And you, Mr. Thomas, your mother is coming too."

We waited a few minutes until I was surprised when Ezra entered the office with a sharp look in his eyes. The principal asked him to sit down.

"Sir, I was surprised by what Aurora did today. I surprised her while she was kissing with her classmate alone." The principal spoke and pointed her hand at Thomas.

"Did she now?" Ezra looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and clenched his hand.

I saw sparks flying from his eyes and I almost swore he was about to put the gun down and blow the headmistress and Thomas off.I turned my eyes to Thomas who could not stop smiling at me.

"Sir, are you aware of what I'm saying? I will not procrastinate if this incident happens again. I am sure you will talk to her. This is a respectable institution and we will not accept such behavior again."

"Yes, you're right. I apologize for Aurora's actions, this will not happen again." Ezra gave Thomas a warning look and left without even looking at me.I followed him and we got into the car and we headed home.

"So.." I cleared my throat.

He didn't even answer me.

"Hey look at me." I shouted.


"Stop acting like a child and talk to me Ezra."

Suddenly he got on the brakes and stopped the car and gave me a cold look.

"You want to talk? Fine let's do it. What do you want to talk about huh? About your behavior when I told you we're going to dinner tonight? Or maybe about your childish act when you ignore my messages just to amuse yourself with your little friend."

"Don't you dare turn this to me. You have no right to interfere in my affairs. I go out with whoever I want and do whatever I want.” I screamed with anger.

“I told you I don’t play these games”

“Which games?”

“Was I not clear whe i said, you are mine and no one has the right to touch you.” Speaked sharply.

"I am nobody's property."

"Try me. I swear I'll blow off the heads of anyone who gets close to you." He slowly approached me and pressed me into a passionate kiss.

I couldn't resist any longer and shared the kiss. His hot tongue touched mine and roamed my mouth with pleasure. Ezra grabbed my waist and pinned me on his lap. I surrounded him with my legs, while his hands surrounded my entire body, as he was very large compared to my body.

His lips were warm and soft. he parted his lips slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. Our tongues tangled and went to war in our locked mouths, battling madly for dominance.

He sucked my lips possessively and caressed my chest.I started moaning more and more with pleasure.

"Ezra...." I spoke in ecstasy.

"We must stop, I do not guarantee that I will be able to control myself if we continue, amor." He slowly pulled away from me after placing a kiss on my neck.

We got home finally without adding any words.

I entered my room and locked the door.

Wow, what was that, you stupid girl.

I'm so stupid. Shit. Shit Shit.

I stuck my head between the pillows and waited for the hours to pass.

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