Chapter 10

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dear diary,

I've been sleeping the whole day.

Casper came to my room to check on me.

He ran his hand through my hair and said, "Princess, are you okay? Are you sick?""

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry." I said softly.

that's what i love about Casper. he was always there whenever i needed him. He always cared for me, no matter how nervous I was, he always took care of me and showed me all the love and attention.

I think I hated him when he started working, he became less interested in me, and he always came back late, and I didn't meet him much.

"Do you want to go to that hotel you've been talking about?" He smiled at me holding my cheeks.

"Are you going with me?" i asked.

"Aurora, listen to me, i have a very important business meeting, I can't go now. But i promise you my little princess, we'll go on a vacation together." his voice softened.

"Do you promise?"

"I promise you, princess. But for now, invite your friends and go have some fun."

he always called me that. his little princess. i love it. it reminds me of our childhood. we were always together.

"Oh, i forgot. Ezra's going with you."

"Wait, what. Whyyyyyy?" i cried.

"I can't let my princess alone now, can i ? Plus, you'll like him, trust me." he smirked as if i wanted him to go with me.


Ezra and I were on our way to the hotel.

he haven't spoke since last night and I don't know how to break this silence.

"so, i guess you don't want me there with you, right?" he finally spoke.

"no it's okay." i turned my eyes to the window.

and just like that. we were silent again.

we arrived and i saw Millie talking to John but where's Thomas?

"Hey girl" Millie hugged me.

"Hey Millie." i smiled.

"Girl, you look terrible. Like a zombie." John spoke smiling to me.

"Shut up you asshole." we laughed.

"Oh and by the way. Thomas is feeling sick. he couldn't come." Millie spoke.

"Oh alright, I hope he's okay. I'll call him later." I smiled.

we went to the reception and the woman started to speak to John and Ezra as Millie and I chatted.

"so, bad news. There's only two rooms with one bed each." John came laughing.

"Easy. I'll share the room with Millie and you two share the other room." I spoke.

"What? You're not serious are you?" Ezra came towards me.

"Why not?"

"How about, me and john and you two together." Millie smirked to John.


"Perfect honey. Let's go it's already late." John quickly held her.

fuck me. I can't believe I'm sharing a bed with him right now.

Ezra nodded as they both escaped.

I enter the room and quickly went to the bathroom to change my clothes.

I weared a white top and black shorts, pulled my hair into a messy bun.

i took a very deep breath then went back to the room.

Ezra was lying on the bed shirtless as usual, scrolling his phone.

I approached and he raised his eyes to me. He yawned slowly.

He looked very tired, as he had been working all day so i didn't want to argue with him to put on a shirt.

I lay on the bed with my back to him and then we turned off the lights.

Minutes passed and I was floundering as I couldn't sleep.

"Can you stop moving?" Ezra spoke with his sleepy voice.

"I'm trying but i can't sleep." i scoffed.

"Fine. come here."

he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him hugging me with my head on his chest feeling his muscles.

My body was very small compared to his.

He rested his head on my neck and his hot breath touched me. I couldn't help but feel relieved if this would put me to sleep. I felt his smile when he put his hand on mine and I didn't pull it.

Moments later, we were both in a deep sleep.

I woke up in the morning and I could still feel Ezra's body hugging me. I slowly opened my eyes and he was staring at me with his sleepy eyes. "Morning, amor, you were peaceful in your sleep, I couldn't wake you up."

"Then don't." I slowly said.

He smiled softly at me and I closed my eyes one more time.

Wait, what the hell did I just say? Aurora You fucking idiot.

I opened my eyes and jumped out of the bed to the bathroom as I could hear him laughing.

"God why is this happening to me." i muttered under my breath.

I got into the tub after I filled it with hot water. I ran my hands over my body and tilted my head back.

Truth be told, I fell asleep very peacefully in his lap but I don't have to get used to it. I enjoyed taking a shower to get rid of all the thoughts I had about last night. I rolled the towel over my body and then walked out.

Ezra was still lying on the bed holding the pillows with his eyes closed but he opened them when I came out.

"Did you enjoy your shower?" He walked towards me.

"yes." i spoke slowly.

"Why are you coming out in a towel in front of me huh?" He licks his lips.

I raised my eyes to meet his eyes and smiled. "Do I turn you on like that?"

"Yes you do. Now, be a good girl, and put on your clothes. I don't want to do something.. wrong, to you." he whispered as he walked to the bathroom.

oh my god.


Why the fuck did i even say that!!??

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