Chapter 1

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Dear diary..

And here is another day, I got up early as usual and changed my clothes to a  flared pants, white cropped shirt and black boots and I wore my Dior choker then I headed out to college .

And yes.. I may have forgotten to mention that I come from a rich family. Well, my father was a well-known and successful businessman.

My brother stopped me saying he was going to throw a party at our house tomorrow to celebrate the return of a friend of his.

I rolled my eyes and then left the house.

I arrived and I could feel everyone's looks piercing my entire body as usual

I mean you don't get to see such beauty every day.

I just transferred to another college again. This has become a routine for me so what's the point of money if you don't enjoy it changing your school every year right?

I entered the class and sat in a next window seat. 

"Hey, you are the new girl, right?" Someone's voice interrupted my thinking. 

I rolled my eyes " Aurora and you are ..?" 

"Melissa. The popular girl here. We will have much fun together this year." 

"Uh, I don't think so." I answered and after putting my head on the table. 

I suddenly heard a familiar voice speaking. "Millie? John? Wh-what  are you guys doing here?" I looked confuse.

"What? Did you think you'd get rid of us so easily?" John smiled.

Well it's nice to have them here, with me.

"Well I heard about the welcome party at your place tmorrow. Are we going to be there or what?" Millie asked.

"I don't know so bu-" I replied when someone interruped me.

"Did anyone say anything about a party? Well-done Aurora darling, it's the best way to have friends in this class. I'm invited right? Of course I am." The girl named Melissa spoke putting a hand on my shoulder and a cup of coffee on my table.

hell no. 

I stood up and removed her hand roughly. "We weren't talking to you, darling, and we are not friends so you could come next to us and put your hand on me. This shirt is more expensive than what you can afford. So come on, get out of my way and go back to your seat, come on quickly now."

"What ? I asure you, you don't wanna make troubles with me Aurora honey. Hey girls?" She added seeking support from her group of friends.

here we go again..

"Oh yeah? What if I want to? Hmm? What are you going to do about it ? Cry? Tell your friends maybe ?Oh wait, I got a good one. Are you going to tell your parents?"

 I smiled when I saw the anger in her eyes.

"At least I have a father." She added. 

Hell no. 

I grabbed the cup of coffee and slapped it on her, then grabbed her hair. "No one. No one has the right to speak about my father."

She backed away and then headed out of the classroom when her girl friends followed her.

I sat back and looked at Millie and John. "What?" I smiled weirdly.

"Girl.." Millie laughed.

" Anyway, about the party, I still don't know if I wanna be there" I said. 

" Oh c'mon now. It's going to be hilarious. Your brother is the best at throwing parties" John stopped me.

"I don't even know who the party is for."

"I do. Here." Mill said showing me a photo in her phone.

I saw a muscular body in front of me with a seductive smile. It was a young man in his 27s, and my brother was with him in the picture. 

"Your brother posted this picture today and wrote below it: "Party on the occasion of the return of my friend and brother EZRA at my house tomorrow at 8 pm" she added.

"Ezra huh?" I nodded smirking.

We were interrupted by someone who appeared to be studying with us. He was good-looking, big-bodied, and had a beautiful smile. 

All eyes were on him when he entered the hall and everyone started whispering as he sat next to me. 

He looked at me for a long time, then said "I heard that you did not keep silent about Melissa earlier. You impressed me. I'm Thomas by the way."

"Yeah well I don't like her. Anyway I'm Aurora." I smiled softly.

Thomas huh..

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