Chapter 20

189 5 14

Writer's POV:

~a month later~

his phone buzzed inside his pocket,


he heard a soft voice speaking. a voice that he knew very well. a voice that he loved since forever.

it was Aurora's voice.

he kept quiet without hanging the phone.

"Where are you?" she asked.


"it's been a month Ezra. talk to me."


"Ezra, please-"

"how have you been?" he spoke after a long while of silence.

"miserable, you?"

"very miserable." both whispering.

moment passed and none of them spoke a word, it was too silent that he didn't even hear the cars noise next to him.

both not knowing what to say, to do, or even to think.

minute after minute, and nothing happened.

no apologies.

no worries.

no talking.

no questions.

nothing..., just silence.

yet, it was the best silence for both of them.

"where are you?" Aurora's worried voice calmed his soul.

but he didn't reply again.

"in Spain." slowly talked.

she was the one who kept quiet now. knowing he's too far, made her feel broken.

miserably broken, miserably lonely.

"why?" a whisper escaped her mouth.

"i don't want to be around you. i can't. not after last time." he whispered his last words.

"is it easy that way? when you run away?"


"never." he spoke after a long moment of silence.

"then come back."

"i can't." with serious tone, Ezra murmured.

"will you stay there now?"


silent again.

"does it hurt?" he asked relaxing his head on the back of his seat afraid of her answer.

"very much." she whispered.

"your neck, i mean."

"no.., no it doesn't."


"is that why you disappeared?" she asked worried.

no replies.

"Ezra you didn't mean to hurt me. i saw it that night, you-"

"the thing is, i don't know if i truly didn't mean to hurt you Aurora. and it's killing me. the memory of that day kills me slowly."

"it's killing me too, and the fact that you're so far and that i cannot slap you right now for being away hurts so bad."

she heard him laughing quietly. the girl smiled through the phone yet Ezra knew it.

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